To be completely honest.. I'm all about the money. I want to be able to drive a $80,000 car and live in a nice apartment complex. If I don't quite like the job then ill get over that when I get my paycheck. Im looking for a job that starts around 80k and goes above 100k.. what would be my options?
Oh wow, I'm a bit surprised this thread picked back up, haha.
I'm quite sure no job in our field starts at 5 Figures for those who are fresh out of college.
Quite frankly, employers know that kids straight out of college aren't really proficient by just taking classes.
Real world experience grants proficiency and proficiency grants experiences which grants figures.
Usually experience grants figures. I may be totally wrong, but in my experience, this is what I've heard from my betters who are in engineering positions/CAD and my relatives who own their own tech shops or work as database managers.
Start out as a doctor, I could definitely see 80K salary. Bam.
usually jobs in our field require experience (say 5+ years in databasing) in order to be granted a position that gives 80k/year.
Of course I could be totally wrong, ahahaha, or I'm some lazy woman who applied for the wrong job.