What do you guys think?


Feb 22, 2015
Tower: CM Storm Trooper
Motherboard: Asus Z97-A
CPU: i7 4790K
Video Card: Sapphire R9 270X
Power Supply: Corsair HX 750W
Memory: 2x4GB G. Skill Ripjaws X Series 1866

I'll use a corsair 100i to cool the cpu. When I get it I'll read more about overclocking.

Feel free to comment whatever you want related to it :)

@Edit http://pcpartpicker.com/p/p93KdC

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($319.73 @ OutletPC)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H100i 77.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($99.75 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Asus Z97-A ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($137.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($71.88 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Kingston SSDNow V300 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($50.78 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Sapphire Radeon R9 270X 2GB Dual-X Video Card ($165.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Cooler Master Storm Trooper ATX Full Tower Case ($143.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: Corsair Professional 750W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($99.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $1090.10
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-02-22 23:11 EST-0500
I would save up and get the gtx 970. It is more but it will last longer. As for the psu. I'd recommend a evga g2 or b2 a 600w will do. Also antec makes good psu and xfx is also good brand. The rest from what I can tell looks solid. If u wanted go to pcpartpicker.com and u can pick all ur parts then share it here. Its alot easier for us to read. Also make sure if u do use pcpartpicker.com to copy it in BBCODE this makes it way way way easier to read. Thanks and again I would go the gtx 970 and a different psu those my only thoughts
Nvidia graphics cards are way too expensive for me. I took the 4790K because CPU last longer so I can save and get a better video card next time. As im buying everything in a shot, things get a little harder but I'll think about it next time o/
You could get a cheaper CPU cooler like the 212 evo which will still allow for slight overclocks (I don't expect you'll be massively overclocking right out of the gate) take the extra money and pick up a better GPU, an R9 290 if you can fit it in the budget. Anyways you don't even need to overclock the 4790k as it has a 4.4 ghz turbo already, plenty fast enough for any game/process
Oh god, I should have come here yesterday T_T.
Some hardwares are already bought, like the GPU. I was really thinking about getting something better than the 270X but A LOT of poeple were reporting black screen and flickering screen on 280x and 290.
i never read anything about the 290 flickering. atleast not that i remember. u can always return some of the stuff and also i shoulda mentioned this. but the i7 4790k is overkill for gaming. yes it will last "longer" but not needed. the i5 4690k is a beast of a cpu. and about 100$ cheaper. with that 100$ u could get a better gpu. i mean the 270x would do u ok for most games. but it would need to be upgraded much earlier then ur cpu so ur kind of making the same mistake ur trying to avoid. if u go the i5 4690k with like a 280x or a 290. you would be better off i think. and if u would get the gtx 970 you would be realy well off as long as u stay at 1080p i have the gtx 970 ( moving to gtx 980 soon) and the gtx 970 will max out all my games at like 120fps. ( excluding arma 3 but i dont think anyone can max that out) just some food for thought i would do the i5 4690k and get the gtx 970 even if i had to save some more money be worth it. also may i recomend a differant psu the evga g2 750w is a better quality psu ( i do believe i know its not any worse). im not trying to change ur decision on your build. im just trying to give u some tips
No problems dude, I see. Thank you very much!
Next time I'll definitely come here to check the comunity's thoughts.
I saw those reports on newegg and some of them are not that much into pc stuffs so we might share the same problems. I really hope we do not because i don't want to have any trouble haha
Thanks guys :)
if u bought it from newegg they will refund if u do have problems or atleast should.... but your welcome i hope i was of some help. and be sure to pick a solution :)