What do you think about sli 970s for 21:9 1080p @ 75hz?


Mar 9, 2016
Right now I have a 4690k and a gtx 970. I really like my MSI 970 and I think it runs games really good, but I think soon I'm going to be upgrading to a 2560x1080 monitor (that I hope I can overclock to 75hz like my old one). I was wondering what you guys think about using sli 970s for 2560x1080 @ 75hz, since it's in the middle of 1080p and 1440p, but a little closer to the latter.
As a 1440p 970 SLI owner (overclocked to near 980 SLI performance) pushing more pixels than you would be, I will state that in many games it's overkill for 60-75Hz monitors and V-synching at either of those frequencies. The only games that really drag down the FPS for me are Witcher 3, Far Cry 4, and Crysis 3 (mid-70s average on Ultra + 2xAA settings). Otherwise in games like Project Cars, DiRT Rally, Battlefront, and BF3/4 I'm at 90-100FPS+.

Also a word of caution on that 75Hz overclock. Some monitors don't do that well and can stutter. My Dell U2713HM for example stutters at a 75Hz overclock, but my Crossover Korean LG 1440p panel knock-off does not.

Possibly, How much do you think I could get for a used 970? I haven't overclocked it (yet) and I still have everything that came with it.
As a 1440p 970 SLI owner (overclocked to near 980 SLI performance) pushing more pixels than you would be, I will state that in many games it's overkill for 60-75Hz monitors and V-synching at either of those frequencies. The only games that really drag down the FPS for me are Witcher 3, Far Cry 4, and Crysis 3 (mid-70s average on Ultra + 2xAA settings). Otherwise in games like Project Cars, DiRT Rally, Battlefront, and BF3/4 I'm at 90-100FPS+.

Also a word of caution on that 75Hz overclock. Some monitors don't do that well and can stutter. My Dell U2713HM for example stutters at a 75Hz overclock, but my Crossover Korean LG 1440p panel knock-off does not.