So I'm overclocking my Ryzen 9 3900x and I've read that it's really really rare to get a stable OC at 4.2GHZ.. However I have a steady OC of 4.1GHZ at Vcore 1.224V.. I did a prime95 test small FFT torture test for 3 hours to find the highest temp reached was 96C I know that prime95 tests are synthetic and it's usually safe to say any load you'll put on the CPU in prime will be hard to replicate in real world applications.. especially because this Ryzen laughs at anything I throw at it.. which says something. So I took those results as a stable OC and I monitor my temps while I model, render, bake textures, game, and work.. and this CPU laughs at everything, because of that I never see it go above 70C. I would say this is a stable OC, at least for my use case. But for a Prime95 torture test I thought that temp was just way too hot, but considering it didnt trigger the overheat mech and turn off the system after such a long test time I really thought it was okay, especially because I'm able to watch my temps when I do the most stressful tasks.