What do you think of Christians?

I cant turn water into wine but, with enough to drink my blood has the alcohol content of Sangria.

Religion is a lot like a (male appendage).
Its fine to have one.
Its fine to be proud of it.
But please dont whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE dont try to shove it down my (undefineable syntax) throat.

Christians are fine, your institutions are messed up though.
Well most of us probably come from a Christian background though my days were cut short (just 5 years into the whole church thing) after being ejected from sunday school for drawing a mustache on baby Jesus ... true story.

I eventially grew up into an existentialist ... though I was never able to walk on water or turn water into wine ... I can brew beer though it takes about three weeks.

My cat is called Sanjee ...
I cant turn water into wine but, with enough to drink my blood has the alcohol content of Sangria.

Religion is a lot like a (male appendage).
Its fine to have one.
Its fine to be proud of it.
But please dont whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE dont try to shove it down my (undefineable syntax) throat.

Christians are fine, your institutions are messed up though.

Impossible to answer this question.
You are VERY different from Catholics who live in France.
Some are more extreme. Many are wiser and more open-minded.

(I went to a church last Saturday for a wedding. Precisely the priest said that "God loves everyone, believer or not, practicing or not," ... I guess there are more French agnostics in heaven than American agnostics ...)