What does anti-aliasing do?


Nov 18, 2013
As far as I can see, all it does is put more strain on your video card, take the FPS down a notch and show literally nothing for it.

I know it will do something but I can't see what it is.
The efficacy of AA depends on the type, most current versions use a post process filter. The point is to smooth out the "jaggies" on diagonal lines. If you are running a high enough native resolution, or sit back far enough from your screen you may not need it.
those are filtering effects on the image displayed on the screen

for example, look at the powerlines


this is done by cpu and gpu, depends o nthe game and filterin type, so it consumes resources and you loose some frames

you game can look pretty or fast, or somewhat pretty and somewhat fast

you decide what filtering methods you use and what impact you are ready to accept
Smoothes the edges of pretty much anything so you can't see where one pixel transfers into the next one.
You can't really see any difference at higher resolutions anyways. I always keep it off at 2560x1440 and it shouldn't really make that much of a difference at 1080p either.

So just keep it off. :)