What does GENERIC BAD FILE mean?



Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

Oh, help me support gods!

My level 77 Sorceress cannot enter a game.
I was on the HELL level and my router lost its connection to the internet.
My computer rebooted itself (a known glitch with it) and when I tried to
restart the game I received an error. I use TCP/IP GAME, then host game. I
can see my Champion LGLKIKGLG in the Character list menu. When I choose
her, it goes to the loading screen. The bar at the bottom of the page
slowly turns red. When the loading is supposed to be completed, I receive

I already had the most recent patch. I have uninstalled and loaded the
program again as well as re-downloading the latest patch. This did not
resolve my problem.

Please help me! I'll do anything.
Praise be the glorious support gods.


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

Rename your .sss file to .sss.badfile and try again. If this works it's
just the shared stash file that's garbaged.

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 02:33:41 GMT, "Mary Marshall"
<marymarshall@mchsi.com> wrote:

>> Oh, help me support gods!
>> My level 77 Sorceress cannot enter a game.
>> I was on the HELL level and my router lost its connection to the internet.
>> My computer rebooted itself (a known glitch with it) and when I tried to
>> restart the game I received an error. I use TCP/IP GAME, then host game. I
>> can see my Champion LGLKIKGLG in the Character list menu. When I choose
>> her, it goes to the loading screen. The bar at the bottom of the page
>> slowly turns red. When the loading is supposed to be completed, I receive
>> I already had the most recent patch. I have uninstalled and loaded the
>> program again as well as re-downloading the latest patch. This did not
>> resolve my problem.
>> Please help me! I'll do anything.
>> Praise be the glorious support gods.


Chaos Empire mod: Webwalker
USEast HC Ladder: Rockstomper


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

what does it mean if I have no .sss file anywhere?
"Brian Brunner" <brian.brunner@verizon.net.prophet> wrote in message
> Rename your .sss file to .sss.badfile and try again. If this works it's
> just the shared stash file that's garbaged.
> On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 02:33:41 GMT, "Mary Marshall"
> <marymarshall@mchsi.com> wrote:
> >> Oh, help me support gods!
> >>
> >> My level 77 Sorceress cannot enter a game.
> >> I was on the HELL level and my router lost its connection to the
> >> My computer rebooted itself (a known glitch with it) and when I tried
> >> restart the game I received an error. I use TCP/IP GAME, then host
game. I
> >> can see my Champion LGLKIKGLG in the Character list menu. When I
> >> her, it goes to the loading screen. The bar at the bottom of the page
> >> slowly turns red. When the loading is supposed to be completed, I
> >>
> >> I already had the most recent patch. I have uninstalled and loaded the
> >> program again as well as re-downloading the latest patch. This did not
> >> resolve my problem.
> >>
> >> Please help me! I'll do anything.
> >> Praise be the glorious support gods.
> >>
> --
> Chaos Empire mod: Webwalker
> USEast HC Ladder: Rockstomper


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005, "Mary Marshall" wrote:

>> what does it mean if I have no .sss file anywhere?

Hmmm... that you're not a member of the notorious .sss?

Seriously, I guessed that you're playing SP/LAN, which means all your
char files are on your machine, and amongst them should be a file with a
suffix of .sss which is the shared stash file. Renaming this file cures
the problem, if the problem was a trashed stash file.

Can you create a new character, or use another, and go to the shared

>> "Brian Brunner" wrote
>> >
>> > Rename your .sss file to .sss.badfile and try again. If this works it's
>> > just the shared stash file that's garbaged.
>> >
>> > On Tue, 26 Jul 2005, "Mary Marshall" wrote:
>> >

If this cures the problem, you owe me a toasted marshmallow.


Chaos Empire mod: Webwalker
USEast HC Ladder: Rockstomper


Jul 25, 2003
Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

Mary Marshall wrote:
> Oh, help me support gods!
> My level 77 Sorceress cannot enter a game.
> I was on the HELL level and my router lost its connection to the internet.
> My computer rebooted itself (a known glitch with it) and when I tried to
> restart the game I received an error. I use TCP/IP GAME, then host game. I
> can see my Champion LGLKIKGLG in the Character list menu. When I choose
> her, it goes to the loading screen. The bar at the bottom of the page
> slowly turns red. When the loading is supposed to be completed, I receive

This means that either your character is a different version than your
current patch level, and the game cannot upgrade you (I got this during
the beta sometimes) or it means that your character failed to save
properly and you've got corruption of the binary data in the save file.

If you have a backup, try loading that. If not, then try removing all
the files from the save directory that aren't *.d2s files. Then reload.
If that does not work then try to open your character in a utility such
as Atma, or Zonfire. You might have a corrupted item that is causing
the problem. Removing that item and resaving (from Atma) might do the

If none of this works then you might have to accept that your character
is gone. Nonetheless don't delete the save file, since I'm sure someone
here has enough expertice to open up a hex editor and manually find the
problem, if there is one.



Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

On 26-Jul-2005, Brian Brunner <brian.brunner@verizon.net.prophet> wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Jul 2005, "Mary Marshall" wrote:
> >> what does it mean if I have no .sss file anywhere?
> Hmmm... that you're not a member of the notorious .sss?

Or, that she is not playing the CEmod. I did not see any mention of it in
her original post.
Mary, Brian's advice is presuming that you are playing the Chaos Empire
mod for D2LOD, if you are playing the original game (and not the mod), all
of what he has said is not applicable to you.
Not 1337.


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

ArtDent wrote:

> btw, I got one of those "Character has too many items" error messages . . .

I hope it didn't crash your game. This is one reason there should be a
WP in the Dungeons, so when something like this happens, you don't lose
all your progress, but I digress . . .

When I started getting these messages I sold everything I could in my
barb's stash. The silly thing is, there are so many Set and Unique
items now that simply having the majority of them in your stash seems
to give you the "too many items" error.

> Do I really need 6 IK maul's? When I never _ever_ play a barb? No, I
> didn't think so.

Not to mention that I found the IK set to be pretty much useless after
the end of NM. It took about 10 minutes to kill a quill rat in Act I



Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

On Wed, 27 Jul 2005, "ArtDent" wrote:

>> On 26-Jul-2005, Brian Brunner wrote:
>> > On Tue, 26 Jul 2005, "Mary Marshall" wrote:
>> >
>> > >> what does it mean if I have no .sss file anywhere?
>> >
>> > Hmmm... that you're not a member of the notorious .sss?
>> Or, that she is not playing the CEmod. I did not see any mention of it in
>> her original post.

D'Oh, well, now that I triple-check, neither do I.

CE mod players have had a rash of this .sss file problem with evidence
being GENERIC BAD FILE that I just ass-u-med... Sorry Mary, for farting
so loudly.

>> Mary, Brian's advice is presuming that you are playing the Chaos Empire
>> mod for D2LOD, if you are playing the original game (and not the mod), all
>> of what he has said is not applicable to you.

Or, try the Mod! It's a BLAST!


Chaos Empire mod: Webwalker
USEast HC Ladder: Rockstomper


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

On 27-Jul-2005, Brian Brunner <brian.brunner@verizon.net.prophet> wrote:

> Or, try the Mod! It's a BLAST!

I second that opinion. It is very fun indeed.
btw, I got one of those "Character has too many items" error messages a
couple nights ago for the first time. (in the mod) I swapped out all 7 of
my gem bags for new ones and am hoping that can help me not to get that
message again. I think it is time to clean out my shared stash also, I
really don't think I need 2-4 of an item that I will probably never use,
time to throw out/sell all those duplicate/triplicate/quadruple/etc set
and unique items.
Do I really need 6 IK maul's? When I never _ever_ play a barb? No, I
didn't think so. Heck, I think I will even get rid of 4 or 5 _pages_ of
torches that I hardly ever use. Time to use up some of those pgems too I
think, I had, on average, about 160 pgems in each of the 7 bags.
Not 1337.


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

ArtDent wrote:
> On 27-Jul-2005, Brian Brunner <brian.brunner@verizon.net.prophet> wrote:
>>Or, try the Mod! It's a BLAST!
> I second that opinion. It is very fun indeed.
> btw, I got one of those "Character has too many items" error messages a
> couple nights ago for the first time. (in the mod) I swapped out all 7 of
> my gem bags for new ones and am hoping that can help me not to get that
> message again. I think it is time to clean out my shared stash also, I
> really don't think I need 2-4 of an item that I will probably never use,
> time to throw out/sell all those duplicate/triplicate/quadruple/etc set
> and unique items.
> Do I really need 6 IK maul's? When I never _ever_ play a barb? No, I
> didn't think so. Heck, I think I will even get rid of 4 or 5 _pages_ of
> torches that I hardly ever use. Time to use up some of those pgems too I
> think, I had, on average, about 160 pgems in each of the 7 bags.

LOL. You really ARE a packrat!


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

On 27-Jul-2005, "neithskye" <jill_bookerGREENEGGSANDSPAM@hotmail.com>

> I hope it didn't crash your game. This is one reason there should be a
> WP in the Dungeons, so when something like this happens, you don't lose
> all your progress, but I digress .

Well, unfortunately it did, but I did not lose _too_ much, just a few
teddie charms I had just put into my cube. (I was in Lut Gholein playing
in/with my shared stash)
Last night I started some house cleaning, I think I got rid of almost a
thousand items total from my shared stash, boy I wish I could have brought
all those goodies online, talk about a yard sale. I was throwing away
(yep, just tossed on the ground, it would take too long to go sell
everything) yellow and green and gold items left and right, it looked like
a dragon's treasure laying there spread out below the stash.

Misfit, yea, those mauls do make nice iron golems, but I am kind of
addicted to my fire golem, he draws the monsters to him and away from me
so nicely and I can recast him if necessary easier.
Not 1337.


Jul 25, 2003
Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

Mary Marshall wrote:
> Jason---you're super cool. I had my friend manually find the problem just
> like you said. I lost the set items that I had in my stash that I was
> saving, BUT I didn't loose the FOUR set items I have for Cathan's Traps that
> I had on her. Thanks for your help!

I'm glad that worked. :)

What items did you lose? Perhaps someone here can send you replacements?


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

Jason---you're super cool. I had my friend manually find the problem just
like you said. I lost the set items that I had in my stash that I was
saving, BUT I didn't loose the FOUR set items I have for Cathan's Traps that
I had on her. Thanks for your help!


"Jason" <marlaque@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Mary Marshall wrote:
> > Oh, help me support gods!
> >
> > My level 77 Sorceress cannot enter a game.
> > I was on the HELL level and my router lost its connection to the
> > My computer rebooted itself (a known glitch with it) and when I tried to
> > restart the game I received an error. I use TCP/IP GAME, then host
game. I
> > can see my Champion LGLKIKGLG in the Character list menu. When I choose
> > her, it goes to the loading screen. The bar at the bottom of the page
> > slowly turns red. When the loading is supposed to be completed, I
> This means that either your character is a different version than your
> current patch level, and the game cannot upgrade you (I got this during
> the beta sometimes) or it means that your character failed to save
> properly and you've got corruption of the binary data in the save file.
> If you have a backup, try loading that. If not, then try removing all
> the files from the save directory that aren't *.d2s files. Then reload.
> If that does not work then try to open your character in a utility such
> as Atma, or Zonfire. You might have a corrupted item that is causing
> the problem. Removing that item and resaving (from Atma) might do the
> trick.
> If none of this works then you might have to accept that your character
> is gone. Nonetheless don't delete the save file, since I'm sure someone
> here has enough expertice to open up a hex editor and manually find the
> problem, if there is one.
> -Jason


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

Nah---I'm fabulous with just the character back!

I'll find those items again, someday.

"Jason" <marlaque@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Mary Marshall wrote:
> > Jason---you're super cool. I had my friend manually find the problem
> > like you said. I lost the set items that I had in my stash that I was
> > saving, BUT I didn't loose the FOUR set items I have for Cathan's Traps
> > I had on her. Thanks for your help!
> I'm glad that worked. :)
> What items did you lose? Perhaps someone here can send you replacements?


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

I assume you are playing SP. If so, if you get the errors "Generic bad file"
or "too many dead bodies" you have too many hacks or too many mods on your
hacks. It occurs from using zonfire/heroeditor and having an item that is a
little off. or from taking an item from someone that is a little off. Either
redo the weapons mods or delete it altogether.

"Mary Marshall" <marymarshall@mchsi.com> wrote in message
> Oh, help me support gods!
> My level 77 Sorceress cannot enter a game.
> I was on the HELL level and my router lost its connection to the internet.
> My computer rebooted itself (a known glitch with it) and when I tried to
> restart the game I received an error. I use TCP/IP GAME, then host game.
> can see my Champion LGLKIKGLG in the Character list menu. When I choose
> her, it goes to the loading screen. The bar at the bottom of the page
> slowly turns red. When the loading is supposed to be completed, I receive
> I already had the most recent patch. I have uninstalled and loaded the
> program again as well as re-downloading the latest patch. This did not
> resolve my problem.
> Please help me! I'll do anything.
> Praise be the glorious support gods.