[SOLVED] What does this crystaldiskinfo report mean?

Oct 26, 2019

I have been struggling to figure out why my external harddisk will not show up. someone suggested i try crystaldiskinfo to see if the harddisk is ok. the report says bad. But i am not able to understand what happened or why it is bad. Can someone please help me understand what this means.

Here is the IMAGE of the report
The drive has some issues.
Are there copies of any important data on it stored on other drives/disks?

As to what those mean:
(01) Raw Read Error (simplified) - is a rolling count of the drives inability to read a sector

(C5) Pending Sector Count - the number of sectors that the drive had an issue with reading and has those sectors marked for a more thorough testing later. If they pass they go back into service. If they fail they will become a Reallocated sector(05) if the data in it can be moved to a spare sector, or a (C6) Uncorrectible Sector if the data couldn't be recovered.

Can you post a link to a screenshots of your diskmanagement window (run diskmgmt.msc) and Device manager (devmgmt.msc) for us pls?
The drive has some issues.
Are there copies of any important data on it stored on other drives/disks?

As to what those mean:
(01) Raw Read Error (simplified) - is a rolling count of the drives inability to read a sector

(C5) Pending Sector Count - the number of sectors that the drive had an issue with reading and has those sectors marked for a more thorough testing later. If they pass they go back into service. If they fail they will become a Reallocated sector(05) if the data in it can be moved to a spare sector, or a (C6) Uncorrectible Sector if the data couldn't be recovered.

Can you post a link to a screenshots of your diskmanagement window (run diskmgmt.msc) and Device manager (devmgmt.msc) for us pls?