What games do you recommend me ?


Jun 18, 2016
As the title says,what games can i run decently,at 1280x1024 with
i3-6100 3.7ghz
IGPU Intel HD 530
8GB DDR4 RAM Memory.
You can run League of legends(medium -high),Dota(same as LoL) or tiles similar to those You could also run rocket league at low -mid settings.I have i56600k with intel hd 530 and i can run the above just fine(Im waiting for my GPU to arrive soon).You should try upgrading to a graphics card (suggestion rx 470-rx 480/gtx1060 if you want to play high AAA titles) however even with a card dont expect to hit ultra high setting as your cpu will be bottleneck then.
You can run League of legends(medium -high),Dota(same as LoL) or tiles similar to those You could also run rocket league at low -mid settings.I have i56600k with intel hd 530 and i can run the above just fine(Im waiting for my GPU to arrive soon).You should try upgrading to a graphics card (suggestion rx 470-rx 480/gtx1060 if you want to play high AAA titles) however even with a card dont expect to hit ultra high setting as your cpu will be bottleneck then.