What GPU for my build

Daxxy Gaming

Jul 12, 2015
I have been building a new computer for a couple of months (u know spending what I can afford when I can afford too)

My build is currently this

GIGABYTE Z97P-D3 motherboard
Intel core i5 processor
Corsair R200 tower case
Corsair CX600M modular psu
HyperX Savage ram 8Gb (2x 4Gb)

My hard drive is not worth mentioning as it is very old will replace with an SSD when I have the cash (if you have my suggestions please do say)


Razer Death Adder mouse
BenQ RL2455HM Monitor
Sennheiser G4ME Zero headset

My current GPU is a
ATI Radeon HD 5770 which is getting me by

Looking to spend around £200-£250
There are a lot of great cards in that price range:

Lowest I'd go is AMD's 4gb R9 380:

Or the next card up the 390 8gb:

(note the older 290's are also great if you can find one cheap, however currently prices are almost the same so may as well get more memory).

If you prefer a Geforce card your best option is the 970:

About same performance as the 390, uses less power although...
There are a lot of great cards in that price range:

Lowest I'd go is AMD's 4gb R9 380:

Or the next card up the 390 8gb:

(note the older 290's are also great if you can find one cheap, however currently prices are almost the same so may as well get more memory).

If you prefer a Geforce card your best option is the 970:

About same performance as the 390, uses less power although maybe the extra memory on the 390 would be a good idea for future proofing?

I'd personally avoid the GTX 960 as that card has a tiny 128 bit memory bus (I think that will bottleneck it in future games, doesn't seem enough for a £200 card imo).
Agree with cdrkf. Get yourself a R9 380 or 390 if you can afford. I am sure 380 is in par with Gtx's 960 and the 970's in par with 390.
I'd say MSI, XFX, Sapphire and Gigabyte are cool to go with when deciding which brand.
Oh I love my 290 I have the Sapphire vapor x and the Power color PCS+ There isn't anything I cant run on highest and ultra settings. Sure Amd took all the older cards and renamed them but the really newest card from them is the fury and the 390x I belive has 8 gig of ram but ... I like my cards and if you trot over to newegg you probably save 30 to 50 bucks on a 290 rather spend more on a 390 with a few tweaks and min difference...

Only reason I suggested the 390 is it came in around the same price as the cheapest 290 I could find quickly (so for same money may as well have the higher clock speed and double memory).

If you can get a 290 for closer to £220 or something then I agree, a very good buy.
Ok thanks for the help guys, thought the 290 is a good option spending wise i think that the r9 390 looks like the better option here.

being a complete novice i have one more question, looking at the prices of the 390 i have noticed different names for the 390 along with slightly different looks, are there different levels of the same GPU? i.e
Nitro, VTX3D ect.

Some companies offer slightly over clocked versions of a card, although usually it isn't much. I think all 390 cards should have 8gb of memory and the same GPU so the performance difference will be minimal. I'd personally get the cheapest 390 you can find (if you find a card you like the look of but your unsure, post a link up here and we can check there aren't any issues but you'll probably be fine).