What graphics card is better?


Dec 28, 2014
Hey these are just some suggestions on which are better.
So what's better out of:
1. GTx 960 or r9 270x
2. Gtx 960 or r9 280
3. Gtx 970 or r9 280x
4. Gtx 970 or r9 290
5. Gtx 970 or r9 290x
6. Gtx 970 or gtx 780
7. Gtx 970 or gtx 780ti
8. Gtx 760 or r9 270
9. Gtx 760 or r9 270x
Thanks for information provided, ot will be really appreciated. I basically need some information on what is better as I'm thinking about getting one of these.
Oh god..

1) GTX 960
2) GTX 960 (However, the R9 280 has 3GB vram and a wider memory bus. It can be a better performer in some games)
3) GTX 970
4) GTX 970
5) GTX 970
6) GTX 970
7) GTX 970 (780 Ti performs slightly better but is not worth the price gap)
8) GTX 760
9) GTX 760

I am an AMD fanboy guys.


Oh god..

1) GTX 960
2) GTX 960 (However, the R9 280 has 3GB vram and a wider memory bus. It can be a better performer in some games)
3) GTX 970
4) GTX 970
5) GTX 970
6) GTX 970
7) GTX 970 (780 Ti performs slightly better but is not worth the price gap)
8) GTX 760
9) GTX 760

I am an AMD fanboy guys.

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