Hey there, Thank you for your help just wanted to ask you if you could get one from this website https://uae.souq.com/ae-en/, would really appreciate it thanks.At a max price of $120, I would suggest an AMD RX 560 for $119.99. It has 4GB of VRAM which will serve you much better than the closest Nvidia competition GT 1030 which only has 2GB of VRAM. The GTX 1050 at $129.99 is not only above your price point but it is still only 2GB of VRAM and gets outperformed by the RX 560. If you can afford to spend just a little bit more than the $120, You could get the faster RX 570 for $129.99 which is a nice step up above the RX 560. Either the RX 560 or the RX 570 will be able to perform quite well at Medium or High Settings at solid frame rates for the titles you have listed. Prices listed here were found on the Micro Center website but I am also sure that if you don't live near a Micro Center location that Newegg offers comparable pricing as well.
Thank you very muchI just did a quick search and multiple models of both Graphics Cards seem to show up on site you have listed. All models of the same Grapjics Card should perform within 1-2% of each other so I usually suggest just go with the cheapest model with the best warranty and cooling solution that you can afford.Just make sure whichever model you get is a 4GB model and not a 2GB model. Models with more than one fan usually run quieter if that is a concern for you. Otherwise, Just put "RX 560" or "RX 570" in the search box, place in order by lowest to highest price and working your way up the price list, pick whichever model and brand fits your needs best. Best Wishes.