What happen when you connect a sata to 2 motherboards?


Sep 9, 2013

What happen when you connect 1 sata to 2 motherboards and power both of them on?

Will my OS combine both motherboards both cpu and rams Together?


Both wont work

I need advice before i do it

If you can even electrically do this, it will end bad for you. Like Suztera said, stop and think about what you are planning. You potentially could have two different MBs with two different OSes each thinking it was the sole owner of the drive. This means that each OS is free to put information anywhere on the drive because it is managing that device and knows enough not step on itself. However when you add in a second system that does not know about the first system, nor does it coordinate drive operations with it, you are going to get fatal corruptions in your file system. If this happens in your swap space then you are also going to be swapping the wrong RAM image back into main memory leading to crashes and BSODs.

Don't do this.

Ok thanks bro

I think each motherboad would run the os separately
If you can even electrically do this, it will end bad for you. Like Suztera said, stop and think about what you are planning. You potentially could have two different MBs with two different OSes each thinking it was the sole owner of the drive. This means that each OS is free to put information anywhere on the drive because it is managing that device and knows enough not step on itself. However when you add in a second system that does not know about the first system, nor does it coordinate drive operations with it, you are going to get fatal corruptions in your file system. If this happens in your swap space then you are also going to be swapping the wrong RAM image back into main memory leading to crashes and BSODs.

Don't do this.

Yes there are either Cable or a Box

Ok thank you for all

i'm vote Bob57 because he took interest in writing more

yes i wont be doing that it can harm both my boards