Question What happened to my SSD? Is what I'm doing wrong?


Nov 4, 2016
Okay so I just recently built a PC and I smelled something getting fried inside my case ( you guys know what I mean ) but I thought it was just my imagination because I have it turned off ( boy was I wrong ) anyhow yesterday I tried booting it up and at first it tried to boot but then turned itself off after making beeping sounds, I tried everything to troubleshoot it and I ended up noticing that it was one of my SSD's fault , I have 2 one 480GB Kingston for boot drive and one 240GB Kingston just for lols, the 240GB was the source of my motherboard's weird panic induced beeping sounds, so I then tried booting with only my 480GB and Lo and behold it booted up, when i tried plugging only my 240GB to see if I can get it to POST my motherboard just goes psychobonkers crazy with the beeping sounds, so I tried putting it on my laptop and it gets to the BIOS but even if I select it as a boot drive it loops back to BIOS, so I then tried installing windows10 on the damned thing but I cant partition it, I then tried going into cmd outside of the installer and THEN going into diskpart and typing "clean" this did the trick and windows10 installed successfully.

My question is:

1. Is there a possibility that there is still something wrong with my SSD? ( Haven't tried plugging it back on my PC I'm scared at this point )

2. Did me leaving my PC plugged into my UPS caused my SSD to get fried? ( Looking back into it I definitely smelled it getting toasted )

3. The wall outlet of my house which I plugged my UPS into isn't the 3 pronged one (grounded) so was this the reason it got fried? Can I just buy a powerstrip that comes with a grounding cable and lead it outside my house?
1 possibility? yes I would throw it through some tests before trusting it with an OS. what does crystaldisk say?
3 no you cannot just run the ground outside. worst case scenario you replace the receptacle with a good GFCI (Ground fault circuit interrupter) which can cut the circuit in under a second, vs however long it took to shut it off. be sure to label the outlet has no ground at this point is a circuit breaker.
1 possibility? yes I would throw it through some tests before trusting it with an OS. what does crystaldisk say?
3 no you cannot just run the ground outside. worst case scenario you replace the receptacle with a good GFCI (Ground fault circuit interrupter) which can cut the circuit in under a second, vs however long it took to shut it off. be sure to label the outlet has no ground at this point is a circuit breaker.
I still haven't tested it, can you recommend some software for me to use in testing it besides crystal disk mark, and about the wall outlet I dunno if I can find that GCFI your talking about but I'll if I still cant find it I'll try buying online.