what happens when pets are alone

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Sep 12, 2011
how do i make sure my pets are behaving and not making a mess when I'm not around. I'm referring to dogs and cats, i know it's mostly about how well they are trained but they are still animals and i'm pretty sure they can figure out they're not being watched. for example how can i make sure they don't poo and pee any where and every where? or how can i make sure they are not ripping and/or chewing everything
I think its training, but somehow you can make it youself a little bit easier. So if use a camera with a microphone, your dog or cat can hear your voice when you see that there are making something they shouldn't do.
Dogs get crate training early, cats have a litter box.
Most animals will sleep and save their energy until you get home.
When I have a sick dog I place carpet/towel at the door used to go out. ( A trained animal will not crap in their house/crate unless it is an emergency.)
Dogs will stress out if your gone. They do and will miss you and that can lead to unwanted behavior. You need to let your poochie know that you will be back. Start the training by leaving for only 5 minutes at a time and then slowly stretch out that time to 10...15 and 20 min until your pooch gets the idea that he knows that you will return
I also think that u just need to train your pets and let them know that u will come back. There are really good tips here! Try to use them. Unfortunately I haven't got a pet yet. But maybe I will have a dog one day. :-D
Cats are going to tend to themselves for the most part. Training can help with the clawing if they go for your sofa/chair/other furniture. There's some special double-sided tape that you can put on stuff to stop them scratching on anything that isn't a designating scratching post. Getting horizontal cardboard scratchers works well too. They pretty much litter train themselves, and an adult or older kitten will already be litter box trained even if they were outside. They're super easy in that regard. The other issue is cables/electrical wires. I put up anything they've shown interest in chewing on. Some cables/wires they leave alone and never bother. Phone charging cables and computer cables are another matter and I make sure they can't get at them if I'm not around to watch them.

Dogs are more complicated when it comes to leaving them alone and require a lot more training. Some dogs have separation anxiety if left alone for too long, too often, or both. Usually a few hours isn't much of a problem, but a daily 9-5 style job can be an issue, especially if they're inside all day with no one around to be with them or at least let them out to potty.
Honestly i have no idea what my cats would do when im not home. Maybe i should get one of those go pro cat collars and strap a gropro to them and see what the heck those cats are doing when im not home. Proboaly beating the hell out of eachother. XD
It's all about training and reward and also bonding with your dog. One major problem is barking when you leave them alone. That kind of problem is bad for your neighbours if close by. It's cause of fear especially if left to roam the backyard.
Potty training starts early and most grab the concept to pee or defecate in designated and appropriate spot. In the garage .
They soon get the message if you put theIr nose close to the problem LOL.
Mostly. dogs can be trained for such poo and pee manners but cats are a bit difficult to handle. So you can also get the help of a professional trainer of this. As for keeping an eye on them, you can install a webcam at the place where they stay.
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