Alright, so, got BSOD'd with a bad_pool_caller error and windows forced a shut down after "collecting information".
Since that shut down, any and all attempts to boot into windows, whether normally via the SSD, or into recovery tools via USB, results in the Windows logo appearing and then fades to black for what seems like eternity.
I've checked elsewhere and no one seems to have a clue, with some suggesting that it might be a video card driver issue but that doesn't seem logical as that shouldn't impact booting into recovery mode via USB, saying nothing of the fact that it's clearly outputting signal to the displays.
When booting from USB the USB's activity indicator light suggest that it's working on something as is the drive from the LED on the case also being lit.
Quick recap:
It's not BIOS as the USB boots.
It's not the vid card as it's clear there's a signal.
It's not the USB(s) as they're verified to boot on other systems.
I can't make sense of what I'm seeing.
Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated
- James
Since that shut down, any and all attempts to boot into windows, whether normally via the SSD, or into recovery tools via USB, results in the Windows logo appearing and then fades to black for what seems like eternity.
I've checked elsewhere and no one seems to have a clue, with some suggesting that it might be a video card driver issue but that doesn't seem logical as that shouldn't impact booting into recovery mode via USB, saying nothing of the fact that it's clearly outputting signal to the displays.
When booting from USB the USB's activity indicator light suggest that it's working on something as is the drive from the LED on the case also being lit.
Quick recap:
It's not BIOS as the USB boots.
It's not the vid card as it's clear there's a signal.
It's not the USB(s) as they're verified to boot on other systems.
I can't make sense of what I'm seeing.
Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated
- James