what is chassis intrusion header in the mobo ?

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Aug 4, 2013
the mobo front panel has series of headers and one of them is chassis intrusion header ..

what is that and which connectors are to be connected to those headers ?

As a rule, motherboards do not come with a speaker. you can get them seperatly for about $5.00. You will not be able to hear the post beeps without a case speaker. That audio is generated before the audio drivers are loaded, so it doesn't get to the audio panel of the MB.

through which can i hear the alarm sound ?

Through the cabinet speaker of course..

I believe that the alarm comes thru your audio output. or possibly your case speaker, if installed. I had a Thermaltake case without a case speaker, and I still heard the case intrusion alarm when I opened the case..after a while, I disconnected that feature as it was more trouble than it was worth.


yeah i can guess that but as i am a newbie i have one more question ,, do motherboard comes with any sort of speakers ??

in case , my cabinet don't have any speakers and i didn't connected any speakers to audio jacks in my panel ,, how can i hear the POST beeps ?


As a rule, motherboards do not come with a speaker. you can get them seperatly for about $5.00. You will not be able to hear the post beeps without a case speaker. That audio is generated before the audio drivers are loaded, so it doesn't get to the audio panel of the MB.

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