What is hal?


May 6, 2010
What is HAL.... and how do i get to it? I am having restarting issues. I do not want to have to reinstall my os and I'm being told that I will have to.....

I just installed more ram, a new graphics card and a new processor. My computer will shut down with the shut down key. will reboot with the power button. But it will not restart. It starts to shut down, the screens go black-no signal, but the computer stays running and never completes the reboot.

HAL = Hardware Abstraction Layer

Unfortunately you didn't provide any info about your system. The HAL shouldn't be the issue unless you went from a Multiprocessor to a Uniprocessor. What system, what was the old CPU, the new CPU and what version of Windows? Windows XP and newer should automatically install the correct HAL.

HP-Pavilion BK385AA-ABA a4302f
System Serial Number: MXX00903KL

3.60 gigahertz AMD Phenom II X4 975
512 kilobyte primary memory cache
2048 kilobyte secondary memory cache
6144 kilobyte tertiary memory cache
64-bit ready
Multi-core (4 total)
Not hyper-threaded

12288 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory

Bus Clock: 200 megahertz
BIOS: American Megatrends Inc. 5.16 06/03/2010

and I have a Sapphire 1gig gddr5 radeon 5770,

Win 7 home ed..X64

I'm running two monitors. wanting to get a third, but the upgrades I just bought cost me a pretty penny....

If you go to HP you can find my original system :


Everything works great .....install went flawlessly on all components except for the current problem at hand.....

Does that help?

Thanks for your attention!

And thank you for the help!

I'm not sure if that processor is fully supported on that Motherboard the Phenom II 975 was introduced in Jan of 2011 (~7 month after your BIOS was released). Based on this you may be having compatibility issues between your CPU and Motherboard bios.

NOTE: If you have enough thermal paste available try swapping in your old CPU and see if the issues go away.
ok will do......I was afraid that the last reply i recieved from the UK-Ireland site was a bit extreme....two replys said that if I upgraded my cpu i would need to do a fresh install of my os......losing all of my game data....do you have any info on how to save my game data to an external hdd so i can reset my os and then reaply my game data after reinstalling all of them on my C: drive? Just in case...
just in case i do need to do a clean install.......that's a lot of work.... too much work.....in my opinion.....with all the updates and etc.....you know what i mean....