what is mantle ?? should i get an AMD card ?

Mantle is a new graphics API, which means it's how a game or program gets the graphics cards to do its work. Direct3D (part of DirectX) is the most popular graphics API at the moment, followed by OpenGL. Mantle is designed for AMDs graphics cards and should allow the same hardware to deliver more performance than with Direct3D.

Whether you should get an AMD graphics card depends on a lot of things, like how much you can spend and what performance you need, and whether you're interested in special features like Nvidia's PhysX.


Oct 17, 2013
Mantle is an API (application programming interface) that allows developers to control how a GPU carries out the graphical tasks needed to render a game. In essence it does the same thing as DirectX or OpenGL: it provides an interface between programmers and the GPU.

Now the difference between Mantle and DirectX/OpenGL is that Mantle is a so-called lower-level API, which means programmers have more control over exactly what the GPU is doing. You don't need to know what exactly this means but the point is that lower-level APIs allow for greater degrees of optimization on the part of the programmers. This means they can make the GPU more efficient and not have to rely on DirectX/OpenGL to make those optimizations.

The hope is that Mantle will allow developers to get more juice out of GPUs, which will translate into better performance. At present, though, only one game we know of will take advantage of Mantle, and that is Battlefield 4. We don't know how popular Mantle support will be.

Mantle support will be included in all AMD GPUs going forward, and AMD has said that Mantle is an open API, meaning other GPU manufacturers (Intel and Nvidia) can use Mantle if they so choose (after paying a fee to AMD most likely). Whether this will happen or not nobody really knows.

Actually AMD have said that's its a closed API at the moment as it only works on GCN cards, whether that changes and it becomes an open API remains to be seen but it definitely is not open to others at the moment.


Oct 17, 2013

I could have sworn they said at their tech day event that it was going to be open. I guess they changed their minds? Or maybe are planning to change it later?

They have said that they intend to make it an open API but that may or may not happen depending on its success.



Apr 23, 2013
ok so you know why consoles can run games so well using only a 500mb gpu? its because games are 100% optimized for the consoles gpu. pc on the other hand there are tons of different gpu's. no way they're gonna be able to optimize the game for every single card right. thats why theres drivers and dx11. dx 11 acts like a bridge or a messenger that relays messages back and forth between the gpu and the games graphics engine. what mantle does is it ditches the bridge so that the gpu would be able to directly communicate with the game engine so that the performance will be boosted by a ton. like you know how there are little to no fps stutters on console? pc's going to get that now. and if you should get an amd card. i would say yes. since both next gen consoles are running amd chips now. the console to pc ports are going to be optimized much better for amd hardware so it would be a win win :)


Jan 16, 2014
Whilst this is great news the truth is PC versions of games will still be heavily delayed or out 1 year + later than the console versions as has been the pattern since the ps3 and 360.Many a good game not even making it to pc either so despite mantle or any other boost to pc gaming the software side shall remain console targeted simply because pirating on pc is infinitely more easy than it is on consoles.

You can try and argue this point as you probably will do but the history and facts speak for themselves publishers are scared to release on pc at the same time they are not stupid, why would they release to a cheaper platform at the same time let alone easier piracy.

The pc strong point is multiplayer designed games which almost 100% block pirated games working online, people buy the game for a valid cd key for the multiplayer, yes there are people with a conscience who like to do the right thing but for every one of those there's 10 of the people who will just download it for free especially a single player slanted game.

So get used to another 10 years of great games being xbox one and ps4 only and pc maybe getting it's version 1 year later.

Pointless, useless necro AND you're also utterly wrong. There are lots and lots of games that are only releasing on PC. Many of the most popular games in the world are PC-only: League of Legends, Dota 2, World of Warcraft, the list goes on.


Jan 16, 2014

facepalm ! lol dota and wow ? nobody outside of 8-15 year olds care about those games, normally lol players and fanboys are people with bad laptops and can only run games like that.

They are the types that don't have the cash to buy games so nobody cares about lol dota players.They are 99% kids and have no purchasing power.

To hold up wow lol and dota as pc gaming beacons is laughable that's normally what people insult pc gaming with saying all pc has is lol dota and wow.

I can only hope you are just trolling me.


Dec 25, 2013
AMD said mantle would be open to any who want to use it...to aquire the licence.
for it's developement yes it was designed around GCN on windows OS, but AMD made it clear that any other gpu architecture can be incorporated, and they have no plan to keep it closed to amd, and they also said mantle would expand to other OS like linux (steamos) or mac.

Why then does it not work on non GCN AMD cards? I would be more likely to believe that it would work on an Nvidia card when I see it work on a non GCN AMD card.

8-15 year olds are just as important as older gamers. But that's beside the point - because you're absolutely wrong. Plenty of adults play those games. And if you're raving about LoL and Dota 2 being for people with no money, then WoW pretty much makes your argument fall apart. It costs $15/€13 per month for a subscription. Each expansion adds an extra chunk on top, and then there's their cash shop (pets, mounts and such). WoW rakes in a heck of a lot of cash.

But hey, if you really want mature gamers... let's look at strategy games. PC has Civilization V and Europa Universalis IV, what do the consoles have?


Jan 16, 2014
Wow has a free2play model up to a point and is considered one of the best free experiences alongside swtor, so there's your theory shattered to bits.
I am not going to waste any more time arguing because I can tell you are one of those people with a poorly purchased laptop that cant run 90% of games ( 99.9% of lol and dota players opinions don't even matter).I am right and I predicted it in 2006 as well, get used to another 10 years of the best games not being on pc or delayed on pc.
WoW has a free trial mode up to level 20, but very few people play just that. Most people play at level cap, for which you need to pay the monthly subscription and have bought all 4 expansions.

If you care to look in my profile you'll see the specs of my desktop.


Jul 2, 2013

Yes, I am sorry to inform you that Sakkura made a very valid point and with in making this point completely broke your argument apart that pc is behind compared to console gaming and in a sense is less than. Because let us face it PC gaming is just amazing, I have consoles and still console game when I feel like changing it up or want to be in the living room, but 99 percent of the time I am on the computer gaming in games such as WOW, LOL, ESO, Counterstrike GO, POE, and etc. These games do have a younger audience implemented into their community, and that is perfectly fine because 10 years ago I was 17 gaming in such games. So, please think about how you write things before posting because you are coming off as some one who thinks the age of person playing a game makes and or breaks that game.