Excuse me if this is a noob question.
I was watching a video on building PC on Youtube. The tutor mentioned that one should not over tighten the motherboard stand offs on the cabinet. If over tightened the stand offs can strip out.
I did not understand what is exactly meant by the term strip out? What exactly happens if the stand off is over tightened? Does it break the threading and then the stand off would simply rotate and rotate but would never come off?
On the contrary in my case when I did not tighten it enough, and later when I was removing the board, the screw and the standoff rotated together and instead of screw coming off the stand off, the entire standoff with attached screw together came off. I had to carefully use pliers and screwdriver to separate the two.
Thanks in advance.
I was watching a video on building PC on Youtube. The tutor mentioned that one should not over tighten the motherboard stand offs on the cabinet. If over tightened the stand offs can strip out.
I did not understand what is exactly meant by the term strip out? What exactly happens if the stand off is over tightened? Does it break the threading and then the stand off would simply rotate and rotate but would never come off?
On the contrary in my case when I did not tighten it enough, and later when I was removing the board, the screw and the standoff rotated together and instead of screw coming off the stand off, the entire standoff with attached screw together came off. I had to carefully use pliers and screwdriver to separate the two.
Thanks in advance.