what is the best intel processor for DDR3 ram?


May 7, 2016
so i'm wanting to go with intel but i already have DDR3 ram which is newish so i'm not wanting to buy more ram in a hurry, however i am wanting a new and better motherboard so i'm looking to buy a DDR3 motherboard with a intel socket so

what is the best intel CPU which uses DDR3 ram and will it beat my current FX-8350 and if so, will the better performance from the intel CPU be worth the money, or just stick with what i'm using?

please no fanboy answers "intel is always better" blah blah, i know it is, that's why i'm wanting to switch but i'm only willing to do so if the performance is worth the cost of new mobo and cpu

i7 4790k, i5 4690k
well If you want to game just get the 4690K, it is faster than the 8350, and once overclocked will positively run it over in gaming. if you do more heavy multithreaded work, then get the 4790K, this is a beast as well, and will once again trash the 8350 especially once overclocked. a 4790K is going to cost you $340, a 4690K will be $240. a good motherboard to allow overclocking will be around $115 to 150 you will want a decent cooler the hyper212 evo is a good idea if you do not plan to OC too much, or chose the 4690K, the 4790K really needs water cooling or high end air cooling once you start to push it.

i already have the corsair H75 water cooler, i'm buying a GTX 1070 and i just bought a 1080p 144hz G-sync monitor so i'm ideally looking for high frame rates

okayy, them CPUs are expensive, holy.. this brings me back to will the performance boost be worth the cost? paired with the GTX 1070?

i just bought a 1080p G-sync 144hz monitor so i'm not looking for 1440p gaming :) i know my current CPU can do 144 frames on most games i play easily but i'm looking for higher frames on the most demanding games

and my current motherboard is not suited for OC, that's why i was wanting an upgrade, i think the best solution here is to buy the msi 970 gaming motherboard and OC my cpu to 4.5GHz, maybe push for 5GHz as i am water cooled and have all corsair AF120 case fans

argh i don't know what to do :'( it's been a constant journey of upgrades ever since i came to PC, i can't stop, i don't like the feeling knowing my PC CAN be better 🙁 but i do need to do something so that my CPU won't be as much of a bottleneck

zen is also gunna be ddr4 and ddr4 is a bomb.. with 8350 and the 1070 i will get 144 frames on most games i play, maybe just settle for 50fps on gta v and around 80 frames on tomb raider, i'll see how o feel once i get the 1070 :)