slyu9213 :
Link from the future :
slyu9213 :
as others said. FX 83XX will be the best CPU for that socket but there will be little to no imrovements over the FX 6300 you have. For the problem with low minimum FPS you'll want to/have to switch to an Intel setup. A locked i5/Xeon may be a good suit for you but it all depends on your budget. If you don't have enough budget for a complete change I would recommend saving until then and not get an FX 83XX series CPU
This guy is on point.
Well you are too. I am an AMD fan to the bone/core but the truth is the truth. Now there will be improvements going from a FX 63XX to an FX 83XX. Coincidentally the improvements will come in an increase in minimum FPS from CPU bound games and there will be some tiny increases in average FPS too. While going off of Tom's Far Cry 4 review. Going from a 6300 to a 9590 may provide gains up to 11FPS in MIN FPS and 3-5 for the AVG FPS. There are some gains but going with an Intel will provide more. Going with an i5 will get you ~30 FPS boost in MIN FPS and ~10 FPS for AVG. If you think about using money wisely then Intel is the route to go. That doesn't mean people can't stick with AMD. They just need to realize what they will be missing and sacrificing at the end.,4019-4.html
You are really really far off on everything you are saying. Looking at the very review you are talking about we see 11FPS gain going to the AMD 8-core (The what 9550 is basically a well stock overclocked FX 8350 which consumes way too much power). Going with an i5-4690k used in the review would get you all of 16 minimum FPS increase compared the the 8-core CPU already mentioned but at the cost of at least $290 since you must buy a new motherboard, and likely more to get a decent motherboard. While getting an 8-Core AMD CPU can be had often for around $120 and he is done at less than half the cost.
For max FPS, he only gets 5FPS more for paying well past double what the cost of a CPU upgrade would be. Most of the time its going to run closer to the max than the lowest, which means maintaining Far Cry 4 maxed out settings at 60FPS won't be a problem for any of the AMD 8-cores.
On top of that, he does other things besides gaming and the added cores really help in video editing and rendering. Its a terrible decision financially to think that he should pay $150 more than what he needs to pay for his upgrade just to get 5 little frames more per second.