I think Aliens is better than Alien ...The one that leaps to mind for me is Alien (1979).
Yeah, Aliens is one of the few examples where the sequel didn't disappoint. But it feels more 'action-adventure' than 'thriller-suspense-horror' to me.I think Aliens is better than Alien ...
Saw that in 70mm. Natalie Wood's last movie.
Yeah, wrong movie. That is what happens during a pandemic...Brainscan. Not BrainstormI don't think Natalie Wood's plays in Brainscan. Brainscan is that movie with Edward Furlong the kid from Terminator 2.
Nice, I lived in Raleigh from 1988 until 2008 or so.Re: Brainstorm, I lived in the area (RTP, NC) at the time and it was cool to see the local sites, like the (now abandoned) Burroughs-Wellcome building, in the movie.
my fav one is mission possible- falloutMy favourite is se7en