What is the bottleneck in my Computer?

Jun 3, 2018
Hello, first time posting so let me know if you need more information from me. I am wondering what is the bottle neck in my computer. I have FPS drops constantly while playing Fortnite but my graphics card is definitely good enough to play it and modifying the quality doesnt seem to make it better.

CPU: AMD FX 6300 3.5 GHz
GPU: GTX 1050 TI
PSU: Rosewill Hive 850W
System Manufacturer: MSI
System Model: Z1-7641

I also monitored it with MSI afterburner and when I got the FPS drops the Power Lim indicator would usually show up.

I do know I need more RAM, but would that be causing the FPS drops?

Any help is appreciated, Thank you
Your RAM and your CPU. FPS not getting better when lowering graphical settings is a tell tale sign of a CPU bottleneck in that game, most graphical settings are very GPU bound so FPS not improving when lowering settings tells you that the CPU is likely holding back the GPU. RAM is likely an issue too, how much RAM are you consuming when playing fortnite? CPU and GPU usage while playing would also be helpful.

Just played a game and recorded some stats, these are the max while playing:
GPU Usage: 88%
Memeory Usage: 2439
CPU Usage: 80%
Ram Usage: 3860


Is that with vsync off? If so your 4gb of ram seems to be your major bottleneck, neither the CPU or GPU are hitting 100%. The stuttering is likely being caused by your computer dipping into the page file, which means your computer is using the hard drive as RAM which is MUCH slower and will cause stuttering or hitching. You can verify this by looking at page file usage with a program like HWinfo64 while playing fortnite.