What is the max temp my gpu and cpu can handle?


Oct 25, 2014
CPU is i5 4460 non overclocked and gpu is r7 250x (powercolor) non overclock

Just wondering about the max temp it will go until it becomes throttled...My r7 250x ran 70-80 degrees without much throttling oddly enough <<Probably because of bad thermal paste and dust due to my negative pressure airflow in my case
I prefer to keep GPU under 80C and CPU under 70C.

GPU can handle 90C (and more) but at that point you should consider better cooling. Intel CPUs can handle 90C and more but will throttle. You really should try and keep the CPU under 80C.


CPU never reaches 70 degrees luckily
GPU handles 90 degrees once but after increasing the fan speed 20 percent more, it reached to 70-80 degrees well for now anyway when playing fallout 4 for an hour or two...However other games when playing them for hours don't even reach that 70-80 degree part...

I don't think my issue is better cooling in my system since I have seen people with my case (fbm-01) use a gpu that is better than mine (650 ti for example) and get better temps.

Its possible that my powercolor gpu's heat system may not be able to handle fallout 4 for some reason as compared to other cards...But so far again I have been playing fallout 4 for an hour or two and experienced no overheating at all....

So I don't know where the issue lies but I have the 15.12 update of amd catalyst and so far my gpu has not overheated while playing fallout 4, computer didn't seem to suffer in any performance whatsoever.

The airflow in my case is pretty good with one fan blowing in from front and one fan blowing out in the rear and side mesh holes that allows the gpu fan to bring more air in probably and a psu sucking in air and blowing out of the case...Also no wires are in front of my case fans except for one small case fan wire that is not even touching it...There are at least two in front of my gpu fans but they aren't touching the fans and are not huge wires like the PSU