what is wrong with avast background processes

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Dec 9, 2008
I think it happened after the recent update


19 avast background processes that is insane.
is this supposed to be normal, or a bug?

Thank you for reporting this. I've already sent to my developers and support team to see what's going on and if this is the expected behavior.

The first thing I would recommend you try is to run an Online Repair of Avast (Control Panel -> Programs -> Highlight Avast -> Change -> Online Repair) and reboot. This should resolve any issues with your installation.

UPDATE: Depending on which features you have enabled in Secure Browser (e.g. anti-fingerprinting, etc.) this may impact the number of active processes you are seeing. When I receive more information from my team I will let you know!
@michaelmk86 -- the browser will have several processes active, including both those of the browser plus other features of the browser (anti-tracking, anti-fingerprinting, and so on)

The update processes (to my knowledge) would complete once the browser is up to date, so it's unclear why those were still present.

The other services you noted, Avast Service, Avast Behavior Shield, and so on are regular components of Avast (not for the browser)

So I suppose that I'm reassuring you that nothing appears to be wrong with your browser install, based on what I've learned from our devs and support team. For me, "fresh" opens of Firefox and Chrome both have ~7-8 processes open, and with Secure Browser you would add some to that depending on which features you have enabled.

However, if you do want to use the browser, I'd recommend running an Online Repair to make sure all is well. Of course, it's optional and you can uninstall the browser if you like. We appreciate the feedback and are working to continually improve the browser, and anyone who has any other thoughts to share, please let us know.
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