What is wrong..


Dec 27, 2012
I recently bought a new motherboard/gpu and ram.

gigabyte 970a-d3
sapphire raden 7950
gskill 8gig 1600 ddr3

phenom II
600watts psu.

so i plugged everything in and the lights on the case lights up but nothing comes out in the monitor. no lights on keyboard. fans on cpu/gpu and other fans are working. i think one of the 3 items i bought is dead but i dont really know what it is. can u guys help me out thanks!


Dec 27, 2012
yes i plugged everything in. and my power supply is a diablotek. 750w. not 600. sorry.

i was removing everything away this morning and while i was removing the heatsink of the cpu. the CPU was like glued to the heatsink and came with the heatsink even tho it was still locked in the motherboard. i checked the pins and nothing seems bent. but im worried i might've dmged it. and no i didnt forced to pull the heatsink. i jus applied a little strength to lift it and the cpu came along.


Dec 28, 2012
It sort of sounds like you need a little more wattage. You shouldn't listen to me when it comes to computers, but Since the 7950 is on of the best cards out their and might require 600watts itself i think you should use a PSU calculator to determine How much wattage you will really need. If it comes out to less than 750watts, then this wont help, but if you get over 600watts, then you should consider getting a new power supply. (If you do so, make sure you power supply is 80 plus certified and get around 100watts watts more to reduce bottlenecking as much as posible and to give you some more room for future proofing.

You might consider using aftermarket thermal paste with a new cpu if thats the problem. I never had an AMD processor so i cant tell you my experiences with it xD. Maybe you had the wrong socket because if you took your heatsink off the cpu shouldn't have came off with it if it was clamped onto your motherboard. Or just possibly you have a motherboard more towards the cheaper side.

Also a good PSU calculator is the one from ASUS: http://support.asus.com/powersupply.aspx

Someone please correct me if i'm wrong.


It sort of sounds like you need a little more wattage. You shouldn't listen to me when it comes to computers, but Since the 7950 is on of the best cards out their and might require 600watts itself i think you should use a PSU calculator to determine How much wattage you will really need. If it comes out to less than 750watts, then this wont help, but if you get over 600watts, then you should consider getting a new power supply. (If you do so, make sure you power supply is 80 plus certified and get around 100watts watts more to reduce bottlenecking as much as posible and to give you some more room for future proofing.

It's not the wattage, it's the voltage output. You could have a 2000W power supply but as long as the amperages listed on the supply and the output required by the CPU don't match your system won't boot up. Companies like Diablotek (horrible vendor, BTW) lie about voltage output on the supply itself and on the packaging - having the wrong output causes power supply failure left and right. I've seen it happen - on a spare build I have I took out the GTX 550TI and used my Radeon 5800 instead - and on the power supply I was using, the Corsair CX430, it wouldn't boot up. So when I took that supply out and replaced it with a Corsair TX750 instead it worked fine.