What is your favorite color

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This is what New & Leisure has degraded to since the no GRAPES rule...asking "What's our favorite color?"

While we're at it, let's create threads asking long time THG forums denizens whether they prefer chocolate or rainbow sprinkles on their ice cream. Or, maybe which is better pancakes or waffles?

I know, how about what's your favorite snack? Heck, that could be a whole series of threads! Your favorite snack when; watching a movie, or during the mid-afternoon, or before bedtime? Oh man, the possibilities for benign drivel are ENDLESS!

Sorry Marv, no disrespect, I give you mad props for sticking around New and Leisure and making an effort since the Mods got their panties in a bunch and passed the no GRAPES rule.
Hey, I set this area up to replace "The Other" which was out of control even by my standards.

Alas the users here screwed it up themselves ... being unwilling to have a decent discussion without getting abusive.

Now that toms is family friendly we are adopting "Newspeak" to control the minds of all of the users ... with just a simple focus on tech.

We don't care how you feel, what you believe in, or whether you like dressing up as batman ... just what sort of mouse, keyboard and PC you like.

And your favourite colour is ok ... barely.

"family friendly", Rey?
What the hell does it mean ? you spend some times on the forum with your wife and childs ?

i don't see users screwing up.
I only see a moderator's admission of impotence.
Like I reiterated before just talking about computers is boring all the time and other accessories that goes with it.I am trying to bring more topics into this forum that is all.

Please do not take the following comments personally Reynod as I have mad respect for your posts and tenure at THG.

Moving from "Other" into the current New & Leisure section with its various subsections was a good move in my opinion. Having N&L as a refuge from tech related discussions was a god-send from the usual "How's my build?" or "What is best X or Y?" or "Solve my problem!" type posts found throughout the THG forums. I reveled in anticipation at getting a reply notice to threads within N&L and it moved me to repeatedly visit N&L as well as continue to reply to tech related threads. The now banned GRAPES threads were lively, interesting, and yes sometimes abusive, but it was that very same liveliness and abusiveness that kept me coming back and maintain active participation for the past 10+ years. Today, with the GRAPES rule, I can have tech discussion just about anywhere and visit non-tech sites to post on topics that are no longer allowed because of the GRAPES rule. Before the GRAPES rule, the THG forums were one of the few websites I frequented that offered both.

I understand that this is a privately owned site. I understand that there must be rules when posting. I also understand that this is a family friendly public forum. But over the years, from my perspective as a long time member, I do not think that the forum members have changed as much as the approach and attitudes of the mods. I remember years ago mods here at THG would ban folks or infractions of the T&C's, but as time went on, the mods seemed to have tended towards being newspeak-polically-correct-police issuing warnings, closing threads, and editing individual posts for content. The mods banning people got noticed and served as a reminder (at least to me) to follow the T&C's whereas the mods closing threads and editing individual posts sows discontent and stinks of censorship.

So, as a result of some members being abusive, ignorant, or just otherwise being jerks when posting to a thread, the mods continue their role as newspeak-politically-correct-police and increase the amount of rules for members when posting to N&L. Ironically, I can't help but see this as an extension of the progressive ideology. And, what I mean by that is that the best way to fix the problem is not to address it from a systemic point of view, but to fix it by increasing the amount of oversight and regulations placed on the people who make N&L an active and interesting community. If the position of the owners of THG is that it is a tech site and only tech related topics should be discussed, then it seems to me that the only forums sections and subsections that should exist are those that are tech related. In other words, if the problem is that the non-tech related threads got out of hand and required large amounts of the mods time to monitor, then why not eliminate the source of the problem and completely remove any forum sections that are not tech related?

Complete removal of non-tech forums is a decision I can respect. Implementing GRAPES I just cannot.
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