What is your remark about ASRock B450M Pro4?


Sep 23, 2018
ASRock B450M Pro4 is a budget gaming motherboard that many people recommended to me. But I don't know if it's good for gaming, or even if it's reliable. Some say that it is good for a small ATX motherboard, and not much else is said about the bad reviews.
But I'm curious. What is your opinion, and what is your experience? I wish to know.
Should be a good I use Asrock in many systems (I have an older 340 or something of that board and it works great) also have the X470 one of their boards.. all good. I would use it for sure.

Is it good for overclocking? I'm not going to do hardcore overclocking on CPU, just a little bit.

If you want to overclock you should really get like the Asrock X470 boards.. not the 450 chipset. I have the asrock x470 taichi and with the ram I have (3200 CL14 ram) I have it set in bios to 3333 with the same timings and no other changes.. (I have not tried any faster but plan to go up to 3400 later as what I know it may work at that speed without boosting the power or changing the timings. I OC my Video card from time to time.. and have with the CPU but I normally don't worry about it being I have the 1800X cpu. (wish I had the 2700X but already had the 1800X when I got the X470 board.

What about B450 Tomahawk? This thing's well-renowned for overclocking. Like I said, I'm not going to overclock too much.

Let me give you all of the components:

Motherboard: MSI B450M Bazooka Plus (Might need to change that if I don't want the ASRock B450M)
RAM: G.SKILL DDR4 16G PC4-25600 CL16 RIPJAWS V VKB (8Gx2)-Might need more
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Pinnacle Ridge
Power supply: Corsair TX 550
MSI GeForce GTX 1080 GAMING X 8G (may need a cheaper option)
SDD: Crucial MX500 250GB
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 1TB
Case: NZXT 500i
Wi-Fi Adapter: Asus - PCE-AC55BT B1 PCI-Express x1 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi Adapter (Might need it just in case...)
Looks fine to me. You might want to try sticking with the stock cooler, at least to start. From what I've read it's pretty decent, even with a bit of overclocking.

16 GB of RAM is plenty for gaming. You might want to get something from your mobo QVL list though, to guarantee compatibility. For that mobo :https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/support/B450M-BAZOOKA-PLUS#support-mem-14

Everything in your build is compatible. It's not that the RAM wouldn't work, it's just that sometimes Ryzen CPUs have problems running high speed RAM so to play it safe it's best to get something from the motherboard QVL list. These are RAM kits that the mobo manufacturer has tested and guarantee will run at a particular speed on that mobo.

I see. Thank you.