What languages should be learnt to get the Job at entry level

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Jul 10, 2015
I have seen hundreds of ads in many countries on software dev or programming. The requirements were unusual mix of programming languages such as:

Java, struts, Linux said one...
C/C++ ASP.NET said another....
other said knowledge of SDLC only...

I am confused about what should I have with me to get an entry level job with ease?

"Programming" these days means a lot, and some job postings do not make it easier...
- Web programming: HTML/CSS, PHP / ASP.NET, and galore of Ruby/Python/etc
- Desktop programming: C#/C++ are dominant
- Backoffice/server: Java, C#/ASP.NET, PHP

Don't forget that in many cases, even if you land a "programmer's" job, you will rarely start something from scratch - you will be much likely maintain an app written five / ten / fifteen years ago, so don't skim on these Pascal lessons!
"Programming" these days means a lot, and some job postings do not make it easier...
- Web programming: HTML/CSS, PHP / ASP.NET, and galore of Ruby/Python/etc
- Desktop programming: C#/C++ are dominant
- Backoffice/server: Java, C#/ASP.NET, PHP

Don't forget that in many cases, even if you land a "programmer's" job, you will rarely start something from scratch - you will be much likely maintain an app written five / ten / fifteen years ago, so don't skim on these Pascal lessons!


When you read job ads listing a career's worth of required skills for a junior developer position you realise that the people who write the ads rarely have a clue about what the position involves. This is doubly true if it was written by a recruitment agency.
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