What monitors should I use for a triple monitor setup?


Jul 19, 2015
Hi guys,
So I have just finished my first PC build that I have been saving up for over the last few months to put together and want to go triple monitor for gaming and general use, only problem im facing is what monitors I should be going for and that aren't overly expensive, around £200 or less if possible, or the other option im considering is maybe getting a single 1440p monitor that will provide a good gaming experience but I don't want to spend too much for one like £500 on a ROG Swift as Im not sure it would be worth it.
if you guys could help me out it would be much appreciated!
Thanks :)
Additional PC information if needed:
CPU: i7 4790K
RAM: 16GB 2400mhz
GPU: 980 Ti Gaming 6G
PSU: EVGA 850W 80+ Gold