What Motherboard is Compatible with these PC Parts?


Nov 20, 2016
Hello, I wanna change my Motherboard with a better one, but not sure which one would be compatible with the parts I have:

GTX 1050Ti
I7 870 (LGA 1156 sadly)
Crucial Ballistix DDR3 RAM (4x4GB)
Thermaltake 700w PSU

My current mobo is Asus p7p55d-e LX. Does anybody know what mobo would go with them? One that supports SSD preferably. Thanks.

Unless your motherboard is faulty it is not worth replacing it.

If you really need to replace the motherboard get the lattest motherboard board supporting DDR3 and a new or second hand I7

Any 2.5" SSD (with standard sata connections not M2) will inprove windows performance more than changing your motherboard

Mike Barnes
Thanks for answers guys.

But there are tooooooooo many people complaining about this MOBO can't run an SSD properly 🙁 Pretty much everyone is regretful for buying this board, because of various of reasons, but mostly because of its SSD support.