what motherboard to get for these components


Sep 4, 2014
I'm building a pc from parts that I had with my alienware x51 because the motherboard failed. So I need to get a new motherboard and case and am trying to figure out which one to get (first time building a pc). The three things I want to make sure work with the motherboard are the cpu, gpu, and hopefully the wireless card (I obviously have the ram and hard drive but I figure those are generally compatable). The cpu is intel i5 third gen, the gpu is the GT545. I would like to find a motherboard that also has a mini pcie with the antennae for the half mini wireless card I have if that's possible. Also, if someone could give a recommendation for what case this will all fit nicely into that would be great.


Sep 4, 2014
Thanks for the input, however I have been doing some research myself and have found what I think to be a compatible set up. I was looking at the asus P8Z77-I Deluxe/WD (especially because it has the antennae for the wifi card) and this case http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HJOJJ6Q/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=20WPOEWS20JU7&coliid=I8VZE2IDJX4T0&psc=1 (trying to keep the budget low). The one thing that is concerning me is the power supply and making sure it will be compatible. Would this work? Corsair CX Series 430 Watt ATX/EPS Modular 80 PLUS Bronze ATX12V/EPS12V 384 Power Supply CX430M