No sure what order that I should get my stuff in, I know that saving is the best way but if my wife sees any extra money in the account she spends it right away. So far I have the motherboard, case, power supply, and memory. I'm getting the fx 8350 which always seems to chance in price, and no I can't just buy the 8320 and overclock it because of what I do any overclock on anything makes the application super unstable. For the card I'm getting the msi r9 280 for $199 hopefully the deal doesn't go away before I get paid. But I'm not sure what order I should buy everything in. I only have about and extra $250 every month that I can save, thanks to the wife. I also need to buy a hard drive. I was thinking about buying the 8350 this week just so I can test the motherboard to see if it works, but then I might miss out on the the msi deal.