Question What other interesting hidden features are modifiable with Mach2 ?

Sep 10, 2021

Mach2 is a small software allowing the modification of "hidden features" of Windows 10, in order to customize the OS.

I know the followings command lines :

Mach 2 disable 18299130
= Disable header banner in Windows 10 options, the banner including onedrive, Microsoft rewards and the picture of the profil . Well suitable to get back a classic and esthetic Windows 10 options menu.

Mach 2 disable 18715789
= Disable the auto-expand of the start menu when the cursor oth the mouse is above - function that initially no one desired.

Mach 2 disable 25478404
= Get back the old appareance of the start menu, with blue background tiles. Good for those whose don't appreciate forced changes of the start menu.

My question is : do you know any other interesting hidden features we can modify with mach2, in addition to the 3 that I mentioned above ?

Thanks in advance.