[SOLVED] What PCIE SSD is compatible with my motherboard?

You would probably be better off using one of the motherboard SATA ports for boot and putting a hardware RAID card in for you data drives.
That way you can move your RAID to another motherboard if this one fails.
It's an old system that I'm re-purposing for a File/Game server. I would like to add several HDDs to the sata ports (of which I have 4) and use RAID 5.. Because of this, I'd like to not use the sata ports for my boot/game install drive.... but something's just dawned on me.. not sure if the BIOS support booting to PCIE drives so may not even have that option.... just brainstorming at the moment.
but something's just dawned on me.. not sure if the BIOS support booting to PCIE drives so may not even have that option.... just brainstorming at the moment.
A board that old, almost certainly not.
And for that use, an NVMe/PCIe drive won't give any benefit over a regular SATA III SSD.

4 SATA ports.
1 for the OS drive, 3 for your data drives. RAID 5, JBOD, or just individuals.
Thanks. Very helpful. I could possibly put three 6TB drives in (one for parity - shame to lose that much space - but hey). I was hoping to futureproof - but I guess with the age of the motherboard, i can't afford to be too choosy.

Good idea about the RAID card.. I forgot that that would make it easier to transplant to another board when the inevitable happens. I take it if I software raided them directly on the motherboard, if the mobo fails, I've lost the whole array?
I've always wondered about this. The biggest thing I worry about in my home server is drive failure. I'm the only user with write access on the system so unless I do something silly, I shouldn't lose anything. I guess bit rot is always an issue over time. I'm probably being naive because I've never had a catastrophic failure. I've used raid 1 on my synology NAS for the last 6 years..... mind you, I do have my critical stuff on all computers in the house distributed with syncthing - so I'm not completely stupid! :)