What power supply?


Apr 3, 2015
I am currently building a computer with a gigabyte g1 gaming gtx 970, intel i7 4790k, asus z97-a and a nzxt s340 case and im wondering what power supply i should get!

Good quality. It will power SLI in the future should you wish. A bit overpowered for your system as it stands, but we have given you plenty of options already. Buy the PSU you've linked, it will serve you well by all means.

sir he has gtx 970 iknow with my amd r9 270x that 500w wont do it he needs at least 600w

550W is plenty and will leave room for overclocking. 270x and 970 are based on two different microarchitectures. 970 is based on the Maxwell architecture which is very power-efficient. Under full load, a system with 970 will pull just about 300-330W.

i dont thinks i would get 600w because graphic cards can heat your motherboard relly fast and you will need higher psu incase you dont want your pc to be dead

This is incredibly cheap for such a high quality PSU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817207032&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

This is the best option for the money - with rebates it is 60 dollars

i had 500w when i got my amd r9 270x and it it died he needs higher psu

You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. OP does not have 270x, thus making it obsolete to mention it.



well i have worked with 20 years with computers i think iknow what im talking about anyway he can buy him self 500w if he wants but he will waste hes money and motherboard and hes graphics will be fried i will go with any psu that has 600w and he is all good to go

with 650W if you plan to overclock it will be good nice and cold with 750W i would get that if im puting in 2 or 3 graphic cards

Where have I suggested a 500W PSU? Read the links I provided, they will show that OP will not exceed 550W, even when overclocking his single GPU and his CPU.

You may have worked with computers for over 20 years, that still does not explain why you keep referring to a 270x, given OP has a 970. Or why you keep saying I suggest 500W when I am in fact suggesting a high quality 550W.

Yes, that will do. I must repeat myself, for the money you can get higher quality than the RM. It will do the trick, however. I still recommend the one I suggested earlier.

The 270X has a 180W TDP, the 970, though it's much, much faster, has a lowly 145W TDP. The CPU pulls under 100W. Even heavily overclocked it's really hard to get an non "E" series Intel CPU to pull more than 200W. In that case you're still at under 350W for CPU+GPU combined (which is the vast, vast majority of system's power).

FYI - the 80 plus ratings measure efficiency, i.e. the percentage of energy wasted to heat, by the powersupply at a range of load-levels. It can sometimes allude to the quality of the unit, but it only really measures efficiency. If you want a reliable and quality unit, look to trusted reviews, not an 80 Plus rating.

XFX (they exclusive use Seasonic I believe) are one of the best in the business.

OP, unless you're chasing substantial overclocks on both CPU & GPU, a good quality 550W (like the unit suggested above), is a perfect fit for you build.

Finally someone who makes sense.

yes it is dont get 500w you must have 600w or up to be good

You seriously don't know what you're talking about xD