What price should I sell my Laptop for?

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Feb 16, 2014
I have a Dell Inspiron 5535
Specs: AMD A8-5545m (w/ AMD Radeon 8510G graphixs)
Display: 1366x768
OS: Windows 10 64-bit/reversible to 8.1 (idk why anyone would want that)
I bought the Laptop for 1 year
The Laptop was about $640 on QVC (I know..I know).
Contrary to my belief, there has been barely any ware on the CPU.
I also replaced the HD with an SSHD (1TB+8GB SSD)

Do you think I can bump it up to 350 or so?
I recently cleaned it for pictures on Craigslist and it looks like it came out of the box. And the new SSHD has to have some kind of added value.

Perfect cleanliness and operation = what they sell for on ebay.
SSHD = no real price bump.
I would recommend keeping your Hybrid drive and putting your old one back in if you still have it. You may be able to sell the Hybrid drive for another $40 or so separately, but I honestly think that's the best you'll likely do. Sometimes, people don't want to buy off the internet, so they may be willing to shell out a little more in person.
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