What psu?? 100$ to 160$


Jan 18, 2014
So I'm getting a sabertooth 900fx mobo
cpu amd 8350
Crossfiring two amd 7970 cards
What psu should I get and how do I know if they're compatible next time?
So around 800 watt to 1000 watt I also will have two hard drives, 16 gb of ram and 5 fans
So what psu would be good in that range?
if I'm correct 800 watt to 1000 is about a good range for two powerful cards and a powerful cpu and the stuff I said
The ram I have are 4 stick 4 gb each of them 1333mhz as well

here is cheap one thats is good for crossfire and sli

http://www.bestbuy.com/site/evga-supernova-power-supply/5408132.p;jsessionid=D23A3D64258529652AB879DBBC6D79DB.bbolsp-app01-175?id=1219127073008&skuId=5408132&st=evga power supply&cp=1&lp=2