Hi all!, newbie in terms of GPU stuff be kind lol.
earlier this day, I was gifted a cheap GPU as an upgrade for my GT 1030 which I'm excited about, its just that "AISURIX" brand name GPU, likely refurbished/recycled. it's a GTX 1050 4Gb DDR5 (non Ti but 4Gb yes), before I mess with it, should I completely wipe my current GPU drivers for GT 1030?
(which is version according to Device Manager)
then plug the 1050 then install a new driver?
or I could just plug it in an use it as is, or plug the 1050, download a new driver from nVidia website, without removing the old driver then install it?
What should I do?, id appreciate a detailed guide as I don't want to mess this up, and if I miss any details, please do remind me in the replies, I'll reply as soon as I can, Thanks in advance!
i have installed the GPU, here are some issues i found:
-1st, as soon as i plug it, it didn't display anything, then i hold the power button, it automatically restarted and finally worked, adjusted its image automatically too.
-Then i ran some errands and put my PC in Hibernate mode as i usually do, came back, powered it on, it got stuck in turning itself off and on repeatedly, unplugged it from the power, cleared CMOS, removed RAM, booted fine after.
-Then i decided to install the latest driver available for it on nVidia website, the version of drivers it had on it was i think 560 something based on Nvidia Experience app, then the latest was 566.14 something, downloaded it, installed it, finished, tested my game War Thunder, the FPS somehow got worse, its having some sort of hiccups, it was about 80-100 FPS on medium/custom settings, it got down to 20-31FPS, then i Alt+Tab, it returned to normal FPS, then again and again.
-Turned it off, put it back on my desk after some troubleshooting, played some youtube video, it had some glitch stutter thing, both video and audio.
Now i dont know if the Driver update messed it up or something, im not sure anymore, i have clicked the "Roll back driver" option on device manager, not sure if it fixes it, or i should just DDU, I'll see what I can do.
i did the DDU thing, cleared everything, redownloaded the 560.94 version of drivers, mid download, the resolution fixed itself again, im assuming windows did something about drivers.
i then installed the downloaded 560.94 drivers, performed a Clean install hoping it does something, still nothing, Game still stutters, Video playback everything still doing that weird stuttering glitch thing.
See Video: View: https://imgur.com/a/uOjNBaw
I seriously need some help.
i downloaded and installed the version 566.14 drivers directly from nvidia experience app hoping it does something, but no
still the same issue as last time, but now when i tried to run my game again, it blue screen of death
I now reinstalled my last known GPU drivers when I was still using the GT 1030, driver version 384.94 just to see if that does it, nope, PC still tweakin out.
-there's probably a more complex issue with it that a clean GPU Driver install or any other software tweak wont fix, i deemed it to be just a bad card.
i don't want to further "troubleshoot" it as it could damage my other frail PC parts instead, i have resorted to simply go back to my GT 1030 for a while, i do not possess heaps of cash to risk damaging my working PC, so i simply give up and send the card back to Amazon, i thank all the people who responded, i did everything they said, and i did everything i could to hopefully resolve the issue, have a great day everyone!
Hi all!, newbie in terms of GPU stuff be kind lol.
earlier this day, I was gifted a cheap GPU as an upgrade for my GT 1030 which I'm excited about, its just that "AISURIX" brand name GPU, likely refurbished/recycled. it's a GTX 1050 4Gb DDR5 (non Ti but 4Gb yes), before I mess with it, should I completely wipe my current GPU drivers for GT 1030?
(which is version according to Device Manager)
then plug the 1050 then install a new driver?
or I could just plug it in an use it as is, or plug the 1050, download a new driver from nVidia website, without removing the old driver then install it?
What should I do?, id appreciate a detailed guide as I don't want to mess this up, and if I miss any details, please do remind me in the replies, I'll reply as soon as I can, Thanks in advance!
i have installed the GPU, here are some issues i found:
-1st, as soon as i plug it, it didn't display anything, then i hold the power button, it automatically restarted and finally worked, adjusted its image automatically too.
-Then i ran some errands and put my PC in Hibernate mode as i usually do, came back, powered it on, it got stuck in turning itself off and on repeatedly, unplugged it from the power, cleared CMOS, removed RAM, booted fine after.
-Then i decided to install the latest driver available for it on nVidia website, the version of drivers it had on it was i think 560 something based on Nvidia Experience app, then the latest was 566.14 something, downloaded it, installed it, finished, tested my game War Thunder, the FPS somehow got worse, its having some sort of hiccups, it was about 80-100 FPS on medium/custom settings, it got down to 20-31FPS, then i Alt+Tab, it returned to normal FPS, then again and again.
-Turned it off, put it back on my desk after some troubleshooting, played some youtube video, it had some glitch stutter thing, both video and audio.
Now i dont know if the Driver update messed it up or something, im not sure anymore, i have clicked the "Roll back driver" option on device manager, not sure if it fixes it, or i should just DDU, I'll see what I can do.
i did the DDU thing, cleared everything, redownloaded the 560.94 version of drivers, mid download, the resolution fixed itself again, im assuming windows did something about drivers.
i then installed the downloaded 560.94 drivers, performed a Clean install hoping it does something, still nothing, Game still stutters, Video playback everything still doing that weird stuttering glitch thing.
See Video: View: https://imgur.com/a/uOjNBaw
I seriously need some help.
i downloaded and installed the version 566.14 drivers directly from nvidia experience app hoping it does something, but no
still the same issue as last time, but now when i tried to run my game again, it blue screen of death
I now reinstalled my last known GPU drivers when I was still using the GT 1030, driver version 384.94 just to see if that does it, nope, PC still tweakin out.
-there's probably a more complex issue with it that a clean GPU Driver install or any other software tweak wont fix, i deemed it to be just a bad card.
i don't want to further "troubleshoot" it as it could damage my other frail PC parts instead, i have resorted to simply go back to my GT 1030 for a while, i do not possess heaps of cash to risk damaging my working PC, so i simply give up and send the card back to Amazon, i thank all the people who responded, i did everything they said, and i did everything i could to hopefully resolve the issue, have a great day everyone!
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