What should i do?!?!?!?

Feb 23, 2019
Ok so I have a pc with 16gb ram 4tb seagate, 1tb wd black performance. Im in a competition for money and if I win, I want a laptop but I also want to upgrade my pc. I'm a coder and casual gamer, 2 hours a day (more on weekends) and I dont know what to do. If I uprade my pc and get a bad laptop what should I do with my GPU?? If I get a nice laptop then what should I do with my pc? I dont go a lot of places(except for school), so I think I want to upgrade my pc but still, there's the problem of what to do with the evga gtx 1070. This is all asuming I win the competition in May. First place prize is $5000
Also, Oculus Rift or Oculus Quest????
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To me it would make more sense once you know how much money you have to spend. The competition time isn't too far from anticipated updates on AMD's new Ryzen series as well.

And honestly, at $5000 you could pretty much do whatever you want with a budget of that size.