What should I do?



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

No, this is not a rant or spam. Just asking for some advice.

Prior to leaving on a Mexican Riviera cruise 4/25 (Great cruise, but that's
another story) I called Verizon customer service to see if my LG4400 would
be able to receive/make calls in Mazatlan, Cabo San Lucas and Puerto
Vallerta Mexico. I, of course, knew I would not be able to make/receive
calls while "at sea". I was told "no problem". I would be charged roaming,
etc., but calls would get through. Additionally, I was advised to update the
PRL via *228 - which I did. So, when it came time for calls to get through
(including a call that a family member became gravely ill) nothing was
received nor could I make calls - rapid busy. No voice mail - absolutely
nothing. When I returned home, a call to customer service resulted in an
offer of 6 days credit to my account - which I deemed inappropriate
compensation. As I have 16 months left to my contract, changing providers
would be costly. Any suggestions as to what my next move should be?

Thanks in advance.
- -Bruce
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Jeffrey Kaplan wrote:
> Previously on alt.cellular.verizon, Bruce Reed said:
> ; nothing. When I returned home, a call to customer service resulted
> in an ; offer of 6 days credit to my account - which I deemed
> inappropriate ; compensation. As I have 16 months left to my
> contract, changing providers
> Why is six days credit unacceptable? How long were you without
> service?

Good point. You might have a case to terminate your contract
without an early termination fee if you were told you would be
able to do this *when* you signed the contract. Your argument
would be that you needed to do this, asked prior to signing, were
told you could and then after entering the contract you found you
couldn't. It sounds as if you already had an existing contract and
then went on the cruise. Unless the coverage map shows coverage
where you couldn't get any I'm not sure you have a complaint.
Maybe if you can show damages resulting from misinformation
given you by CS...

Do you plan to go on this cruise often? Are there other reasons
you want to switch carriers? Are you just mad and dissappointed
with VZW over this incident? It doesn't cost anything to switch
carriers other than possibly having to buy subsidized equipment
which is not that expensive (and often subsidized to the point of
being free). If you are under contract with an early termination
fee then that is a different matter and you need a legitimate reason
to break the contract without penalty.

Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Bruce Reed <bireed@nospam.ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> No, this is not a rant or spam. Just asking for some advice.
> Prior to leaving on a Mexican Riviera cruise 4/25 (Great cruise, but that's
> another story) I called Verizon customer service to see if my LG4400 would
> be able to receive/make calls in Mazatlan, Cabo San Lucas and Puerto
> Vallerta Mexico. I, of course, knew I would not be able to make/receive
> calls while "at sea". I was told "no problem". I would be charged roaming,
> etc., but calls would get through. Additionally, I was advised to update the
> PRL via *228 - which I did. So, when it came time for calls to get through
> (including a call that a family member became gravely ill) nothing was
> received nor could I make calls - rapid busy. No voice mail - absolutely
> nothing. When I returned home, a call to customer service resulted in an
> offer of 6 days credit to my account - which I deemed inappropriate
> compensation. As I have 16 months left to my contract, changing providers
> would be costly. Any suggestions as to what my next move should be?

Are you sure the problem wasn't with the local provider in Mexico?

Verizon doesn't have control over what its roaming partners do.

Not saying that they aren't at fault, just pointing out that there's more
than one entity involved here.

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Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Thanks for the responses.

I think my biggest problem with this situation is I was informed by Verizon
everything would be ok and they took a very "no big deal" attitude. I am a
very long term customer - GTE account for many years prior to the merger.
Last year I went to Europe. Verizon told me what to do to get calls (a
rental through them) and all was fine. If I needed to do something like
that again I would have - but I was told my phone would work with no

I am checking other providers, but it seems Verizon does have the best
coverage - Sigh!

- -Bruce
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

On Tue, 11 May 2004 22:34:57 GMT, "Bruce Reed"
<bireed@nospam.ix.netcom.com> wrote:

>No, this is not a rant or spam. Just asking for some advice.
>Prior to leaving on a Mexican Riviera cruise 4/25 (Great cruise, but that's
>another story) I called Verizon customer service to see if my LG4400 would
>be able to receive/make calls in Mazatlan, Cabo San Lucas and Puerto
>Vallerta Mexico. I, of course, knew I would not be able to make/receive
>calls while "at sea". I was told "no problem". I would be charged roaming,
>etc., but calls would get through. Additionally, I was advised to update the
>PRL via *228 - which I did. So, when it came time for calls to get through
>(including a call that a family member became gravely ill) nothing was
>received nor could I make calls - rapid busy. No voice mail - absolutely
>nothing. When I returned home, a call to customer service resulted in an
>offer of 6 days credit to my account - which I deemed inappropriate
>compensation. As I have 16 months left to my contract, changing providers
>would be costly. Any suggestions as to what my next move should be?
>Thanks in advance.
>- -Bruce
Jeez, would you leave your wife because she told you she would give
you some one night and then didn't? NO! You get upset for a bit,
forget and life goes on. If you are "generally" happy with the
service you get, forget about the mistake ONE customer rep made. Next
time be more thorough in your research. No need to blame the company.
