[SOLVED] What should i first upgrade?

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Dec 17, 2012

Current Specs:
i5 - 3470 CPU
1050TI GPU
Antec VP500PC PSU
H61M Motherboard

Yes, i need an upgrade but i can't upgrade my whole system at one time as per my budget. So i have divided it into 2 parts.
  1. Every thing except GPU and PSU [New Gen Intel or AMD].
  2. GPU

So i need your help to decide which part should i upgrade first.
This will be a budget gaming PC.

It honestly depends on budget, with 20000inr you're incredibly close to a gen 1 ryzen 1600 (still a great cpu and very cheap now) and a budget b350/450 board.

Only issue I see in India at the moment is ram prices have gone through the roof.
Thats not THE Jonnyguru (I'm not dissing him because he certainly has some knowledge) so don't be fooled by a username

Besides the man, himself, confirming it (thanks for joining us here); one of our most honorable moderators: Darkbreeze, also confirms that jonnyguru here in the forums is Jon Gerow,
source: https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/pc-restarts-whenever-i-open-a-game.3578183/post-21606120

So, unless you have any other proof stating otherwise, i'm not going to take your word for it.

You missed the 1650 super from the GPU list

No, i did not. It's listed just below GTX 1060 6GB and above GTX 1660.

Half in agreement but old intel platforms are fairly forgiving when it comes to mixing ram

Yes, DDR3 is more forgiving in mixing RAM than DDR4 is. Still, being more likely working together doesn't mean "certainly working together" as stated by rcald2000.
Umm.. Actually. It is.

Well paint me red and call me a postbox - now I feel daft ;-o lol

I always assume a moniker on here is just that, the only relevance for my username is my name is Matt, I rarely get mad and I've not been 30 for meny years.

Being away from the forums for the last 3 years has made me complacent.

I will still stand by my statement on the vp500 irregardless though.
Low end yes but I don't think it needs to be drastically replaced.
I don't think it's in any way dangerous either for a low power system.
The issue with many members on here when it comes to recommending parts to Indian members is they don't understand the fact 5500inr for a new psu can actually be a monthly wage for some lower paid manual workers.
Converting to dollars from a different economy just doesn't work.
@jonnyguru is jonnyguru, as in the R&D Director/Manager for Corsair's PSU team, former proprietor of www.jonnyguru.com, shout out to Tazz and Oklahoma, though.

Grabs popcorn Waits for the bite.

Its my opinion, I'll still stick with it, it's a far better psu than maybe 80% of Indian members are using.
The main reason for that being in my previous post.

To be fair to rcald 'almost certainly will work' is a fair statement

Going to back to sandy/Ivy bridge platform problems with mixing ram are very very rare.
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Besides the man, himself, confirming it (thanks for joining us here); one of our most honorable moderators:@ Darkbreeze, also confirms that@ jonnyguru here in the forums is Jon Gerow,
source: https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/pc-restarts-whenever-i-open-a-game.3578183/post-21606120

So, unless you have any other proof stating otherwise, i'm not going to take your word for it.
Lol, Corsair CX series (gray CX, not green) is mediocre, that's news to me...

Any psu list has to be taken in context, having 4 tiers makes little sense to me personally.

Excellent quality
Good quality
Acceptable quality
Unacceptable quality

Leave it at that and let people do their own research and buy depending on their market, price and needs.

Its easy for a USA member on here to recommend a Seasonic Focus plus or suchlike to someone who's average wage is less than a quarter of their own without realising that its not really practical.

In that respect the cx grey would sit in the god quality tier in my list, the cv and vs would still be in the acceptable quality list as would be the cheaper antecs.

Simply because in some areas they're the only viable option, our job should be primarily to steer them completely away from units that are totally unacceptable.
I don't think it's in any way dangerous either for a low power system.

Currently, OP's system is yes, a low power system. However, OP is looking to upgrade the system with better and more expensive parts. Better GPU alone increases the power draw of the whole system.

The issue with many members on here when it comes to recommending parts to Indian members is they don't understand the fact 5500inr for a new psu can actually be a monthly wage for some lower paid manual workers.

5500 INR, compared to the cost of whole PC at about 55.000 INR, is small price to pay. Month's pay vs year's pay, which one you'd pay?

Like i said before, it's up to OP what to do; either:
  1. Buy a better PSU and be rest assured that PSU doesn't fail catastrophically.
  2. Keep the Antec unit and cross the fingers for it not to blow up.

Let's say OP is keeping the Antec unit due to several folks saying "it's fine". OP buys new GPU, probably new CPU-MoBo-RAM combo as well and BOOM, Antec unit blows up and takes all the new parts with it.
My question is: do any of you, who said that the Antec unit is fine, will pay out of your own pocket, so that OP can buy a new PC? I don't think so.

It's easy to suggest to keep potentially dangerous PSU since it's not your money that's on the line, it's OPs money. If your money would be on the line, the talks would be different.

Lol, Corsair CX series (gray CX, not green) is mediocre, that's news to me...

People can learn something new every day. Like madmatt30 just learned that jonnyguru in forums is Jon Gerow.

As far as Corsair CX gray label goes;

The CXm units are fair. They are "ok" for the price and if the price is right you could do worse. The non-green label "2017" CX models are slightly better than the CXm units. For a budget entry level unit, they are fairly decent. They are not great or fantastic, but they ARE ok, if this is ALL you can possibly afford. Don't buy one of these expecting it to last as long as an RMx or EVGA G2 unit though. It's not going to. It's a good entry level offering and that is all.

source: https://forums.tomshardware.com/thr...t-to-avoid-and-psu-discussion-thread.3212332/

Fair doesn't equal good. Fair equals mediocre, and that Corsair CX gray labels PSUs are.

Its easy for a USA member ....

I'm not from USA nor from anywhere near it.
Currently, OP's system is yes, a low power system. However, OP is looking to upgrade the system with better and more expensive parts. Better GPU alone increases the power draw of the whole system.

5500 INR, compared to the cost of whole PC at about 55.000 INR, is small price to pay. Month's pay vs year's pay, which one you'd pay?

Like i said before, it's up to OP what to do; either:
  1. Buy a better PSU and be rest assured that PSU doesn't fail catastrophically.
  2. Keep the Antec unit and cross the fingers for it not to blow up.
Let's say OP is keeping the Antec unit due to several folks saying "it's fine". OP buys new GPU, probably new CPU-MoBo-RAM combo as well and BOOM, Antec unit blows up and takes all the new parts with it.
My question is: do any of you, who said that the Antec unit is fine, will pay out of your own pocket, so that OP can buy a new PC? I don't think so.

It's easy to suggest to keep potentially dangerous PSU since it's not your money that's on the line, it's OPs money. If your money would be on the line, the talks would be different.

People can learn something new every day. Like madmatt30 just learned that jonnyguru in forums is Jon Gerow.

As far as Corsair CX gray label goes;

source: https://forums.tomshardware.com/thr...t-to-avoid-and-psu-discussion-thread.3212332/

Fair doesn't equal good. Fair equals mediocre, and that Corsair CX gray labels PSUs are.

I'm not from USA nor from anywhere near it.

Last bit wasn't aimed at you but a general comment, I don't want this to degrade into an argument at all.

The corsair cx are better than mediocre though, remember you're dealing with a guy here who tested psu's virtually for a living, when you're comparing a budget bronze unit to high end units costing 4 times as much yes it looks mediocre but that's not a practical way of looking at it.

The op's antec is mediocre, the old cx series (green label) were mediocre. The cheap Evga b1 series were mediocre.
None of them are inherently dangerous though.
The newer cx is way better than any of those, you can't possibly put them in the same tier.

Irregardless, this has gone off topic.

Looking back at the original post?
I wouldn't really recommend a new gpu anyway, the 1050ti pairs with an old i5 fine.

Id be looking for a second hand 3770 and upping the ram to 16 on a temporary level.
The i5 is where performance is going to suffer nowadays.

Thats kind of a wasted budget though because a full upgrade would be the best option, it's just not happening with that budget though.
Its my opinion, I'll still stick with it, it's a far better psu than maybe 80% of Indian members are using.
The main reason for that being in my previous post.
Don't sweat it, that's what makes this site great, there are so many people and knowledge gathered here.

My comment was definitely mostly to poke fun of a statement made in 100% certainty, when I knew it was wrong from the beginning. There may have been a little whiskey involved.
No harm done and nothing personal. 😀
Don't sweat it, that's what makes this site great, there are so many people and knowledge gathered here.

My comment was definitely mostly to poke fun of a statement made in 100% certainty, when I knew it was wrong from the beginning. There may have been a little whiskey involved.
No harm done and nothing personal. 😀

My quotes are all getting mixed up for some reason, that reply wasn't even aimed at you :-/

Cannot get the hang of the quote system on mobile at all, I've had quotes from entirely different threads appear on unrelated threads and it makes me look like a complete buffoon at times
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It honestly depends on budget, with 20000inr you're incredibly close to a gen 1 ryzen 1600 (still a great cpu and very cheap now) and a budget b350/450 board.

Only issue I see in India at the moment is ram prices have gone through the roof.
It honestly depends on budget, with 20000inr you're incredibly close to a gen 1 ryzen 1600 (still a great cpu and very cheap now) and a budget b350/450 board.

Only issue I see in India at the moment is ram prices have gone through the roof.
Ok lets explore the options.
If i go with AMD below are my options:
B450M as B350 is not available (i'm looking this for a long time now) is around 10 (nice gigabyte) to 12k (decent asrock).
Ryzen 5 1600 8.5k
2x8 16GB DDR4 RAM would be cost around 8k
So total AMD cost: 26 to 28k way over my budget (22 to 24k if stick with 8gb ram now and add another stick in near future)
If i go with Intel
i3 9100F - 7k
B365 around 8k
2x8 16GB DDR4 RAM would be cost around 8k
Total Intel cost: 23K and if go with 8gb then it would be 19k.

I know AMD would give better performance here but it is way over my budget.
So is Intel upgrade would be considered as decent upgrade to my system?
Ok lets explore the options.
If i go with AMD below are my options:
B450M as B350 is not available (i'm looking this for a long time now) is around 10 (nice gigabyte) to 12k (decent asrock).
Ryzen 5 1600 8.5k
2x8 16GB DDR4 RAM would be cost around 8k
So total AMD cost: 26 to 28k way over my budget (22 to 24k if stick with 8gb ram now and add another stick in near future)
If i go with Intel
i3 9100F - 7k
B365 around 8k
2x8 16GB DDR4 RAM would be cost around 8k
Total Intel cost: 23K and if go with 8gb then it would be 19k.

I know AMD would give better performance here but it is way over my budget.
So is Intel upgrade would be considered as decent upgrade to my system?

The 9100f? No absolutely not, quad cores are dead and buried now when it comes to gaming.


Under 7000inr for this gigabyte board, no frills but decent quality.
You won't see an appreciable performance increase going from 4c/4t to 4c/4t even with the architectural advancements. We are talking 10%-15% most likely even less in gaming.
Which means, sticking with what you've got and upgrading your current rig or save up more.

In my honest opinion you will be wasting your money going for a 9100f.
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You won't see an appreciable performance increase going from 4c/4t to 4c/4t even with the architectural advancements. We are talking 10%-15% most likely even less in gaming.
Which means, sticking with what you've got and upgrading your current rig or save up more.

In my honest opinion you will be wasting your money going for a 9100f.
Do you think r5 1600 would be good upgrade?
This didn't come to my search before. Ok this pair with ryzen 5 1600 with single 8 stick RAM for now.
So this is a good upgrade right?
How much do you think gaming performance would increase?

Comparison with the 2500k which is virtually identical performance wise at stock clocks to the 3570.

View: https://youtu.be/w4hOeZItgLA

Performance improvement in games ranges from virtually the same to a huge amount better.

It just depends on if titles are heavily multithreaded or not.

Most new titles are, future titles will all be primarily.

From an actual performance standpoint I'd say the ryzen is about twice as powerful + a bit more.

Its a gen old now but its
2.still a good cpu
3. Puts you on a current platform where future upgrades are more plentiful.

Youll lose some performance running a single stick of ram, its still a way better option than keeping that 3570 setup or trying to upgrade it.

Could you not sell that system/components and get 16gb ram in from the off??
Comparison with the 2500k which is virtually identical performance wise at stock clocks to the 3570.

View: https://youtu.be/w4hOeZItgLA

Performance improvement in games ranges from virtually the same to a huge amount better.

It just depends on if titles are heavily multithreaded or not.

Most new titles are, future titles will all be primarily.

From an actual performance standpoint I'd say the ryzen is about twice as powerful + a bit more.

Its a gen old now but its
2.still a good cpu
3. Puts you on a current platform where future upgrades are more plentiful.

Youll lose some performance running a single stick of ram, its still a way better option than keeping that 3570 setup or trying to upgrade it.

Could you not sell that system/components and get 16gb ram in from the off??
I watched few videos also on ryzen 5 1600 and i5 3470 and performance is good.
Well my budget includes sell offs 😛

I'll go for r5 1600 thank so much for your time and support.