What should I upgrade in order to increase stream quality?


Dec 3, 2016
Hi, I just tried streaming some Overwatch and MTG on twitch.tv to get a feel for the programs, the stream seemed fine at 720p for the most part, but the game was not great, even though it still said 60fps, it felt much more choppy and had instances of heavy framerate drop despite remaining at "60 fps" on my counter.
My current pc has:
i5 7600
GTX 1060 6gb
8gb of RAM
with a 4.8 mb/s upload speed.
Do you think my issue comes from my pc? or how I'm using obs?
Thank you for any input
Just to be sure, can you parse the settings for Overwatch and OBS? I'd suggest you offload streaming duties to a cheaper system. Having the system game and stream will cause it to feel choppy, provided you're not suffering from a memory leak.

You should also include your specs like so:

OBS log: https://obsproject.com/logs/wjXWKhFxXvlrf3UG
Overwatch settings: Graphics all on low, 60 fps, 1080p

CPU: i5 7600
MOBO: Asus prime B250 plus
RAM: 8Gb some value brand
SSD/HDD: 240Gb Kingston/1Tb Seagate
GPU: EVGA GTX 1060 6Gb
PSU: Coolermaster 500W 80+bronze
Chassis: Spirit of gamer rogue 1
OS: Windows 10

As far as streaming from another pc, I only have a crappy Pentium laptop from 8 years ago and am not dedicated enough to build a cheaper system just for streaming.
I see that most "good" pcs for streaming use an i7 and 16 Gb of RAM, so I'm assuming it's one of these that's limiting my computer.

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