what ther overall best cpu


Jan 2, 2005
hey, i want to know who´s the best overall,
for games + design + programs + etc
celeron died in programs like c or c++
pentium iV is not the best in games,and the heat kill him
amd i dont really know but in games are best
gime you experience

pIV northwood 3gh
cd-rw 52x, dvd 16x, geforce fx5200
intel 865, creative t3000, soundblaster live,
wd120caviar sa


Apr 17, 2004
Semi objective, I say 939 Athlon64 3000+.

Good price per performance (not da best though).
Good chipsets and motherboards support.
Good overclockability.
Good upgradability (the SLI and 64 bit OS in mind).
Low power consumption.
Heat problemless.
AMD has shown very well growth, even some has predicted that 2005 will be AMD's not Intel's.
I personally like AMD who hardly changed the processor socket, unlike Intel.

But no DDR2 support in the next few months (the price is still too high anyway).
Slightly weaker on 3D design and decoding multimedia performance than the competitor.
No SSE3 (significant?).
No Hyper Threading (in some occasions, it's preferable though).
No "Intel Inside" thing (someone consider it important).
Cannot use it to fry egg - just kidding. ^^


Jan 2, 2005
buy why if you want a small server (some of my friend do to play) they only offer intel
in latin america amd doesn`t make any noise, in my country only in 3 places(for company and shops) you can buy itlike almost all america, for some big reasen AMD can do the big step, when you study cpu the AMD structure is like a microsoft code.

the price is not a big chance like is $50 AMD VRS INTEL
intel make his own board
AMD can use the nforce4


Are you saying in Latin America that for servers, Intel is widely available, but few choices for AMD?

If so, could be due to smaller production quantities at AMD, and after all orders are filled, there is not enough to saturate Latin market with them, but Intel has much larger production facilities, hence, Intels are widely available.

<pre><font color=red>°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°`°¤o \\// o¤°`°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>


"the AMD structure is like a microsoft code."

Humm I dont get that!!! Can you explain?

-Always put the blame on you first, then on the hardware !!!


Are we excluding the FX chips?
Are we talking stock, or OC?
Without FX or EE, I would give the tittle to the winchester 3500. It can OC past what the A64 4000 can, can outperform anything Intel sells in 90% of progs, will run 64 bit like mad, and when Win64 comes out, and progs are 64 bit capable, the last 10% of Intel's wins will go.
Then it has the gaul to do it at 50 watts.
Secondary function as a baseboard heater still goes to prescott.


Just curious, since the 3500+ and the 4000+ are the same chip, just AMD tested and locked the better one at 4000+, would not these have the same theoretical top end??? Granted the 3500+ would be the better deal, but with the 4000+ the difference to top therotical speed would be less of an overclock, thus, less strain on other components and more stability therefore.

<pre><font color=red>°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°`°¤o \\// o¤°`°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>


Jan 2, 2005
(microsoft code explanation)
AMD doesn't give much tecnical informacion about their procesors, the page is poor in that in the other hand intel give you a lot informacion that something important.

IF AMD is the best like only in internet speak all the people say (speacilly if you play games) why they don't have more sells than intel. I want reasons

the competicion of intel is intel northwood vrs prescot vrs intel. AMD IS JUST LIKE 15% of the market.

Buy intel have a problem the design of the procesors is in a dead end, the heat and the power consumsion are somethings we can see, but in software the instruccion no operacion make their procesors slower than AMD


AMD doesn't give much tecnical informacion about their procesors, the page is poor in that in the other hand intel give you a lot informacion that something important
Intel's "information" is all doublespeak bs.
AMD IS JUST LIKE 15% of the market
In DIY Amd is 50%+, as they are in gaming rigs. In general, thier marketshare is close to 20%, and rising slowly.
Amd has 1 fab, Intel has 9?. Intel is the giant. Doing a frontal assault on a giant 10X your size is usually pretty stupid, a good way to get killed.
Amd is partially a well kept secret, because they dont have the facilities to produce the number of chips that the market uses. Dell sells more systems than Amd makes chips.