Dudes! If you want to chill out at home - why would you be in front of your desktop??? I can kick it anywhere in the house, on the bed, on the couch, in the kitchen, using my laptop. Plus my computer room chair is not the most comfortable - maybe that's my problem. I love just reading Toms, browsing the net, whatever (on Ubuntu for fun, and Vista Business under VirtualBox within Ubuntu for work stuff that doesn't quite work in Linux). Of course if I was a gamer using games to relax, maybe I'd have a different take. What I want to see is a light portable monitor so that I could capture the power of my desktop but the portability of a lappie. Give me about two hours of battery with a 14" touch screen and I'm golden.
Regarding Tom's prices quoted on the two systems, these are two systems actually built, actually running, in hand. They are not the cheapest prices someone dug up on pricewatch and they may have spent the money a month ago or more, when prices were different. Cut 'em some slack. And I disagree that laptops will never match desktop performance. I think in the near future we will see laptops able to match desktop CPU performance, maybe with more creative cooling or maybe only when plugged in. GPU performance could also match with an industry standard plug in GPU card for upgradeability and docking station cooling boost. Maybe use ultracapacitor banks to provide brief boosts of power that a battery and/or power supply cannot safely deliver.