What will my PC run at a decent framerate?

Dec 10, 2018
What kind of games could a PC with a AMD Phenom II 840t, A GTX 650 and 8gb of ram run at above 30fps? More specifically, will it at least be able to run Skyrim and G-mod decently? I know everyone asks these questions but I'm new to PC gaming so I need a little help every now and then. Thanks!
Ok, thanks. By the way, my laptop has a AMD A8 Quad core 2.20ghz and a AMD Radeon R5 integrated graphics and 8gb of ram, which would do better for the most part? Thanks again, I appreciate it a lot.
Ok, thanks! Also one last question (sorry) If I plan on upgrading the pc would it be worth doing? I'm trying to buy that first one and the second one is what I have now. Thanks
The one I'm trying to buy and possibly upgrade is a HP pavilion case with the following: HP P7-1003w motherboard, AMD Phenom II 840t CPU at 2.8ghz, 8gb of DDR3 ram, GTX 650, 500gb HD and what I believe (looking at the photos) is a 100-240V power supply for $164