What would be the best graphics card can I stick in a lga 1155 Motherboard?

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Salt Master

Apr 17, 2017
I'm trying to upgrade a already existing PC I want to get 4k out of it but I have to keep the Mobo so what is the best card I can stick in there because I believe a 1060 is to new I've already tried it

I know I could put in a 750 ti but if there is something newer that produces more power that would be wonderful
Well, given your motherboard (being a 1155) only supports Intel CPUs up the Gen 3, a powerful GPU will get dragged down. If you're looking for a GPU that will be both powerful and affordable, and only TDP from the motherboard? The 1050/1050 Ti, as well as the RX 460. These are all newer, and all of these have both TDP from the mobo variants, and TDP from the PSU.
You could put any GPU in an 1155 motherboard and have it work fine as long as your CPU isn't a bottleneck. I'm currently running an RX 480 on an 1155 board with no issues. What is your CPU and your budget?

you may need to update the motherboard bios

also did you make sure to plug in all pcie ports on the card?
Well I'm updating a existing PC Already I am trying to keep a already used hard drive so that I can. Keep a 6000 dollar program so I believe I need to keep the mother board I upgrade the PSU it didn't have a GPU and I upgraded​ the CPU to a i5 that's ivy bridge and when I was building it, it doesn't recognize the GPU the system was running on Windows seven and has to stay on it to run the experience program
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