What would be the best upgrade?


Apr 1, 2016
I am having lag problems with my new PC build and I don't know what to do.
Should I upgrade GFX or CPU?
GFX = Gtx 960
CPU = AMD FX-8350
Those are just performance stats, it goes like this:
- Your system max RAM and it's speed.

- Your CPU capabilities, as you may know, CPU do lots and lots and LOTS of calculations each second, and that's what the benchmark is saying
It can do about 224.229.712 calculations per second with floating numbers ( for more info about floating numbers, you may have to google 'cause i don't know how to explain :/ )
It can do about 552.939.112 calculations per second with integers, (common numbers)
It can generate 876.736 MD5 Hashes per second, which are complex set of numbers & characters, one of it's use is cryptography

Just the max 3D FPS it can do, pretty straightforward.

I believe that CPU is able to hold current games without...
It deppends heavily on which games you're playing.
How much do you wanna spend? What's your monitor resolution?

But as a general rule, if you're facing FPS problems in your games, upgrading your GPU or GFX ( as you call them ), will probably solve them!

If you are facing lag while working, than that's a CPU problem and you should upgrade it first
I'd not recommend going AMD right now, there are some i5 or even i3 that will do much better than any AMD CPU and the price difference isn't that much either.

So, IMO go with Graphics, it's a much safer bet!
You should upgrade the cpu to get around the bottleneck

If you take a test on cinebench R15 then you should get something around 60FPS and by removing the AMD cpu (bottleneck) you can properly get 120FPS

Also I had many problems with the AMD FX-8350 (like where games wouldn't load at all)[i had to upgrade to Intel to fix this]

Tip: probably to an Intel core i5 if the money is there

Last note: if you want I can find the old threats I made WITH THE SAME QUESTION
1080 gaming? Upgrade that GPU. I don't think the 960 even uses all of it's memory. There are a lot of great budget friendly options out right now. Maybe you can wait for newer CPU's coming out. But, like stated above, it depends on what games you play and at what resolution. Some games are very cpu intensive. But still, I don't know if you can max out games on 1080 with that 960, if taht's what you want.
Those are just performance stats, it goes like this:
- Your system max RAM and it's speed.

- Your CPU capabilities, as you may know, CPU do lots and lots and LOTS of calculations each second, and that's what the benchmark is saying
It can do about 224.229.712 calculations per second with floating numbers ( for more info about floating numbers, you may have to google 'cause i don't know how to explain :/ )
It can do about 552.939.112 calculations per second with integers, (common numbers)
It can generate 876.736 MD5 Hashes per second, which are complex set of numbers & characters, one of it's use is cryptography

Just the max 3D FPS it can do, pretty straightforward.

I believe that CPU is able to hold current games without problems, not the CPU intensive games tho.
But the 960 for sure isn't able to max-out any game if that's what you wish, and if you put high settings in games with it, it might cause your fps lag.

I'd suggest getting yourself a GTX 1060 or RX 480 ( whichever is cheaper in your country ), both are great for 1080p gaming.
It will probably solve your gaming problems while give you room and space to save up money for a good Intel CPU later on.
