Question What would occur if Wear Level of battery reaches to %100?


Apr 11, 2019
As you may already aware, my asus g15 rog ga503rm laptop have battery issues when charging and/or using without cable. Battery Health Charging provided by ASUS app is already set to %80 Balanced for months now and I have seen HWinfo can be misleading I think as it shown first %7 then dropped to %3 then again magically jumped to %12.3 yesterday after weeks of using. It is slowly but surely increasing.

Created battery report within Windows 10 did not shown anything useful. Even battery reset did not help (hitting and holding 60seconds of power button) As I'm getting tired of trying to fix this laptop as if its already not enough, installing any game on internal SSD (or playing above 20fps) also causes 75c-80c temps instantly.

So, may I ask at very least what exactly would happen if battery wear thing finds itself on the max percentage? Thank you for your time
Things that can happen:

The battery will not hold a charge for long.

The battery will not charge at all.

The battery could be damaged, swell, leak....

At some time, when on battery, there will suddenly be no power and the laptop will crash.

Data will be lost or corrupted. Games and configuations corrupted and lost.

Start by backing everything up at least 2 x to locations off of the laptop.

Verify that the backups are recoverable and readable.

Just my thoughts on the matter.